Belleville News-Democrat – Obituaries — In the obit of this apparently nice old lady you find this last breath commentary about the Cardinal baseball team! Talk about a baseball fan. Only in St, Louis.

…an avid Wednesday night bingo player at VFW, when she was younger and playing softball she led the league in batting, she made several quilts, enjoyed cooking and baking and she was a big Cardinals fan, she was glad to see Ray King traded.

found by Dale Huber

  1. Dave M. says:

    Hey, we’re proud of our team. Sure, they haven’t made it to the series in a while, and when they did, they choked, but at least they make the effort to play and play pretty darn well.

    We pretty much have a consistant 3 million person attendance record each year. Next year might be different with a smaller stadium, but we shall see…

    Now if only they could win the series again…

  2. KB says:

    Little old ladies in tennis shoes are highly underrated.

  3. b0urn3 says:

    A small correction…Belleville is affectionately referred to as Bellevegas by locals and visitors who have partaken in the tremedous nightlife.

  4. James Hill says:

    And the dead lady’s right: F— Ray King.


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