A Web Site About the Wild Parrots of Brooklyn — We have a slew of wild parrots in the San Francisco Bay Area too. These birds are amazing and smart. I suspect other Parrot species could adapt to the area under the right circumstances. This is a great photo essay if you like birds.

Photo-Essay: Quaker Parakeets: Master Architects of the Bird World

found by Harry Fuller

  1. Greg E. says:

    There is also a large flocks of Amazons living in warmer parts of the country like San Diego and Florida. Most of the avian rescue organizations believe that the flocks formed from escaped pets. Parrots are amazingly adaptable creatures because of their intelligence.

  2. Linux_Rocks says:

    Cool, I take it they can survive the cold then, if they live in NYC.

  3. mettlesmertz says:

    While on a trip to Chicago last summer we saw a whole flock of them. They are also called Monk Parakeets and were originally from temperate South America so they can withstand the cold weather especially since many people feed birds.

  4. Rory B. Bellows says:

    The parrots seem cool, but I’m not impressed with Baldwin’s constant protests that the parrots are not an invasive species and won’t crowd out indigenous birds. Hopefully he’s right — but it looks like he doesn’t have any evidence for saying so. It sounds like he just likes the birds, therefore they are not a problem. Hardly a logical argument.

  5. Jim Magee says:

    Saw some of the Chicago flock in suburban Berwyn (over-by-dere). Better than geese, so far.

  6. Kevin says:

    These birds are lowering my bar!,2403,BSUN_19088_3693529,00.html

    Worse yet, some looney people are even trying to save them.

  7. Jo An says:

    I have four of these parrots. All but one discards that someone did not want. As in the article they are so smart. All of mine use speech appropriately. They are lovable feathers! I have a great respect for the Quaker Parrot!

    John…it is great to see you on TWIT!

    Happy Holidays to all!

  8. Sholom says:

    I live in Brooklyn and there is a nest at my corner. There are many times that I hear them chirping the car alarm sound exactly. I think they are very cute


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