Prexy Jon H. Larson, the bad guy or Mac-hater?

MacDailyNews – Apple and Mac News – Welcome Home -This is a whopper of a crazy story.

“Despite impassioned pleas from her supporters, the Ocean County College board of trustees voted unanimously Monday not to reappoint Karen L. Bosley as faculty adviser to the student newspaper, a post she has held for 35 years. ‘Are you committed to free speech and free expression on this campus?’ William Kanouse, an associate professor of English supporting Bosley, asked the trustees following the vote. ‘Because there seems to be an element of retaliation in this decision.’ Kanouse and other teachers and students charged that Bosley’s termination at the Viking News was in response to the newspaper’s periodic criticism of college President Jon H. Larson and his administration’s policies. The administration flatly denied the accusation,” Joseph Picard reports for The Asbury Park Press. “Bosley, a tenured humanities professor, will continue to teach, although she also has been reassigned from teaching journalism courses.”

found by Ima Fish

related link:
John H. Larson Pages

  1. gquaglia says:

    There is one thing students won’t learn using a mac, endless patches, fixes, virus updates and the yearly re format that is needed when running a windows machine. Its a shame that using a machine that just works is considered bad.

  2. Imafish says:

    The problem with “training for the future” with software is that software is always in flux. Let’s say you train a bunch of high-school kids with the latest MS Office. The next version of Office, if you believe Microsoft, is going to have a completely different interface. The same will be true of Longhorn. It’ll be much different from XP.

    So there is absolutely NO point in teaching college bound high school kids with MIcrosoft products, because by the time they graduate, software would have changed dramatically.

    But in this specific instance, the problem with saying that “Macs don’t prepare kids for the future” completely ignores the fact that 90% of journalists USE MACS!

  3. Joe says:

    Mac not preparing them for the real world?! Please…That’s like saying learning chinese isn’t preparing for the real world. It may not be the majority but it is the future…

  4. DaViking says:

    For what it’s worth, I moved my college paper from a mixed environment (PCs and Macs) into the, as quoted, 25% of schools that don’t use Macs. I did keep one online for backwards compatibility with our archives, however. Most of the staff I worked with went on to use Macs in their post-college journalistic positions. Much of the software is the same, but different platform. Never heard if this helped or hurt them “[prepair] for the real world.” Before I get flamed by and zealots for jumping the Mac ship, the move was for me financial and support reasons at the time.

  5. zacfoo says:

    wow, uncensored campus newspapers! what an idea! wish my student paper could write what it wanted without the Admin. getting all in a hissy-fit about it.

  6. Pat says:

    Larson is only doing what dubya’s minions have been doing for years. Hell, they own the newspapers, they can control what goes into them.


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