Angel Assistance Program — For those of you who feel generous or have a need to help the helpless or the needy. This is your best Christmas gift. I try to plug this service every year. It’s a clear winner.

Single Rose Resource for Single Mothers “where courageous and determined women offer soul-wrenching stories about how they became single moms” – (USAToday 1998) – a comprehensive single mother site, providing emotional support and understanding for divorced and never married mothers. Features a mom of the week, bulletin boards, chat, and extensive original articles database.

Christmas 2004, over 230 children were adopted by an “Angel.” Single Rose made the program a breeze for the internet novice or expert.

Catherine Cartwright, former Senior Editor of Working Mother Magazine adopted a family and said, “OK, I did it! It’s a great idea. Very simple to participate.”

  1. Chris Neumann says:

    I signed up for this service after seeing it on this site last year. I was really rewarding because the family that we helped out wrote to us and was super psyched. Plus, it was fun to shop for specific people and feel good about it.

  2. jasontheodd says:

    Never heard of this one, but I’m a supporter of Habitat for Humanity.

  3. Ascii King says:

    I have a real problem with discriminating organizations like this. A year ago, a friend of mine and father of two separated from his wife. He got the kids, but had to move out. This left him with no where to go. There are no shelters or programs available for single fathers but there are plenty for single mothers. If another friend hadn’t let him move in for half a year, they would have been on the street.

    What bothers me most about this is the attitude people had towards him. If a single mom isn’t working it’s because she is takig care of her kids. If a single dad isn’t working, it’s because he’s a dedbeat and they should take his kids away.

  4. site admin says:

    ASCII, nobody is forcing you to give anything to anyone. I do not think this group is responsible for those unfair court-ordered decisions. Geez.

  5. CKLW says:

    I agree with #3. And while this group is not responsible for unfair court decisions as stated by #4, they are responsible for discriminating against men. Happy Holidays !

  6. NumLock says:

    way to go boys…think with your little head!! it’s not that MEN are discriminated against….it’s that the sheer numbers of women left adrift…either due to an abusive relationship, divorce, death, or dis-interest in fathering. Doesn’t matter that a very few men MAY have a hard time….and, honestly, I am CERTAIN that single rose would address it, if the a guy approached them. (But guys tend to not ask…) However, this isn’t about “the system is awful and suckie and it’s not fair”. Homeless shelters are jokes. They’re run like prisons, and they are inept, at best, with stupid arbitrary rules. Get a clue. And, as for the ‘plenty of shelters for single women’…. not really, AND, do you know that the reason that there aren’t more shelters for men….is because they cause way more trouble, and tend to be more destructive, cause more violence, and refuse to follow the rules?? Men are not exactly the ideal tenants, from a homeless housing point of view. Get a clue, man. It’s an ugly reality…..and, its a sad commentary on our society.
    No, this website is all about thinking with your big head and gettng some compassion for people who are trying to make ends meet. They aren’t homeless, they’re the working wounded..trying to keep it together for the kids……and for kids who may NOT have a Christmas without some help from outsiders.
    I’m CERTAIN that you grew up without the experience of a Christmas with no tree, no presents, and wanting something as munane as a “warm coat” for winter. Check it out…..some of these kids would be happy with “anything”. It is what the season is SUPPOSED TO BE ABOUT.
    Be a santa…and help some kids out. Change the world by changing your sorry attitudes. Help a child out this xmas, give them faith in people…..and the world.


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