Nanjing, capital of east China’s Jiangsu province, launched on Monday an English website to advocate world peace and reveal Japanese wartime atrocities in 1937.

“December 13 will be the 68th anniversary of Nanjing Massacre. We launch this website to make more people around the world know about the Japanese wartime crime,” said Zhu Chengshan, curator of the Nanjing Museum Commemorating Victims of the Nanjing Massacre.

Japanese troops occupied Nanjing on Dec. 13, 1937, and launched a six-week long massacre. Historical records show that more than 300,000 Chinese people, not only disarmed soldiers but also civilians, were slain in the holocaust.

Americans get stuck into emotional conflict over the Asian phase of WW2 — because of our use of the atomic bomb and our own concentration camps for Japanese-American citizens. We still need to refresh and relearn all aspects of history. Otherwise, you don’t stand a chance of making informed decisions.

  1. Tim says:

    Coming from the Chinese government…..

    Kinda like the pot calling the kettle black…

  2. deebrrs says:

    you had to be there, hon.
    japanese war crimes existed. Yes, they did.
    massacre is massacre – this was before big governrnent.
    humanity’s crimes to humanity – irrespective of ethnic origins or national boundaries -know no end.

  3. Jon says:

    To Tim, do you even know what happened at Nanjing massacre? It is in the same level of the Nazi’s killing of Jews during WWII, even worse. And the sad thing is Japanese government just keep on changing history and try to hide this atrocity.

  4. Hance West says:

    Lets not morally equivalize our Japanese camps though regretable with this episode or the Nazis. I also take issue with our use of the atomic bomb. If a thousand regular bombs were used and the identical number of people were killed no one would say a word.

  5. Hance West: you think if we killed hundreds of thousands of civilians, destroyed two major cities, and poisoned hundreds of thousands of others and the land itself without using nuclear means that people would be fine with that? Hardly. The problem with our using an atomic bomb is not that we used an “atomic bomb”; it’s not about nuclear being a buzzword. It’s that the effects of it were horrific.

    But in our defense, that is what it took to win the war. Even after two atomic bombs dropped, it took several days for surrender and there were supposedly many high ranking Japanese that wanted to simply stay at war until somebody was wiped out.

  6. Tim says:

    “To Tim, do you even know what happened at Nanjing massacre? It is in the same level of the Nazi’s killing of Jews during WWII, even worse. And the sad thing is Japanese government just keep on changing history and try to hide this atrocity”

    The answer is no, I do not know what happened there…. I only know what I am told regarding this incident. Unless you are very old you don’t know directly either…


    I just simply wish to point out that you should always question the validity of the source….. especially the Chinese government!!!

  7. James Hill says:

    No emotional conflict here: It was a war we had to win. Was there another way? Sure, there almost always is. As an American, I have no regret over the path we took, nor do I have regret over how prosperous Japan has become.

    Now, if you want regret, how about regretting the lax security measures that allowed the Chinese to borrow many of our nuclear secrets?

  8. Jetfire says:

    Actually, it’s a toss up between two Communist Leaders, Joseph Stalin of Soviet Union and Mao Zedong of China. Some think Mao Topped out at 65 million while Stalin was at 60 million. Those are the high end numbers. The Japanese in WWII killed like 35 million Chinese while Hitler was around 12 million.

    Do not get me wrong the Japanese need to own up to what they did. The stuff they did and Nan King was beyond brutal. But the Chinese need to own up to what they did too.

    Of course when looking for some of these number, I was surprise to find this site the told me the real worst killer of all time was Margaret Thatcher and the free market. Check it out if you want It just pure evil to take responsibility for your own life, some needs to do it for you.

  9. Angel H. Wong says:

    To Tim and Hance:

    I should remind you that what happened in Nanjing (Nanking, whatever romanised version of the name is used) you have to remember that just because the ones slaughtered there were not jews doesn’t mean their lives were less valuable.

    Here’s a link to enlighten you about the situation

    Because the japanese were actually killing the ppl there just for fun and the atrocities they did scarred an entire generation throughout the south east.

  10. SignOfZeta says:

    Its true that Japan seems to have an terrible blind spot regarding what they did to China back then, but it doesn’t seem to bother me that much for some reason.

    I think this is because on the whole Japan learned a lot in the last century. They are now basically a nation of pacifists who regret Japan’s involevment in WWII. Peace has given them more than war could.

    Here in the US though, we still think the millions of asians we’ve killed in the last century all died because they were a threat, and we spend a billion+ a day keeping up the charade. When WWIII razes all life from the planet, for some reason I just don’t think Japan will be to blame.

    On the othe hand, there are still people here, lots of them in positions of power, that don’t think Viet Nam was a mistake, and that The Killing Fields mis-represents the US.

    Patriotism is a motherfucker.

  11. BOB G says:

    Two bombs made one of the most violent countrys one of the most peaceful and prosperous. Sometime you have to spank people to get there minds right.

  12. a chinese girl says:

    I visit this website because I am going to make a news report in English to my classmates.But after looking at your American’s comments,I want to say that you are all to simplified , the Japanese are not so regrettable as you think,they are people of no shameness.Please visit this website to see some atrocities the Japa soldiers did in nanjing 68 years I will express my to you all for the Chinese people.Thank you for remember the nanjing massacre,even many chinese don’t know what is the date of nanjing massacre.


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