A while back, I did a post about attempts in the U.S. to put a 25% tax on internet porn [here]. The curious argument by the pundits was that taxing porn is good for children. (Long live “family values.”)

Now the Italians are at it, and they want to levy a 20% tax on porn— once again, “for the children.”

Italian porn stars were up in arms yesterday over plans by Silvio Berlusconi’s government to introduce a tax on their work. The proceeds from the proposed new “porn tax” would go towards paying for working mothers to afford baby-sitters.

The measure – the brainchild of the formerly neo-fascist National Alliance – is due to be voted on in parliament next week. It is contained in the latest draft of Italy’s 2006 budget, which emerged from committee late on Wednesday.

The porn tax would take the form of a 20% levy on the selling price or rental cost of pornographic videos and DVDs. A similar surcharge would be placed on payments for pornographic material delivered by television stations or over the internet.

The baby-sitting bonus is one of several measures in the draft budget aimed at encouraging Italians to have more children. Italy has one of the world’s lowest birth rates, and it is contributing to a growing imbalance between the working and non-working population that threatens its welfare system.

I just love the fine intentions of politicians and parents– here and abroad. We’re against porn, but we want our cut of the profits.

  1. RTaylor says:

    Sin taxes are usually an easy revenue debate. Booze and tobacco are the traditional candidates. Even if one opposes a tax of pornography, very few would march around with a placard. It takes money to run a country, it’s got to come from somewhere.

  2. Mike Cannalli says:

    Of course, had they enacted the XXX domain, these taxes would be easier to collect

  3. Justin says:

    Well, you have to figure that porn isn’t going to go away because they want it to. So, as long as it’s around they might as well make some money off of it. Plus, they have to figure that the increased cost will serve as a deterent to some people, which is also a good thing in their opinion.

  4. Rob says:

    BS this is for the Children. That is just as hollow an excuse as the “Family Values” gripe. This is just the typical grab for more tax dollars.

    From a polition who is to big a coward to try and get it upfront.

    yeah I know. I know

  5. AB CD says:

    That’s what they did with tobacco. And gambling.

  6. Mike Voice says:

    …would go towards paying for working mothers to afford baby-sitters.


    Is the legislation specifically worded to exclude any other use for the money?

    Won’t this money be boon-doggled for all the usual unrelated pet projects legislators have? Like in the US, where the settlement money from the lawsuits against the Tobacco companies was used for a lot more crap than smoking-related medical costs and smoking prevention/cessation programs – which we were all told the money would be “ear-marked” for.

    Even if one opposes a tax of pornography, very few would march around with a placard.

    Which is what is so irritating about this. The politicians know people are opposed to raising their own taxes – but will happily screw “those perverts”.

    I live in Oregon, where the state depends on its take of the Lottery to keep some nice programs going. Too bad the state therefore has to encourage gambling (with a significant advertising budget) to ensure the revenue stream doesn’t dry-up.

    Of course the state also provides some funds to help people with their gambling addictions – but they can’t let it cut into their profits too much. 🙁


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