We’ll get to this state of affairs eventually

Microsoft launches talent hunt in India | InfoWorld | News | 2005-12-09 | By John Ribeiro, IDG News Service — No comment needed.

The 20 best students will be selected to intern with Microsoft at its Indian operations, while the winner will get to join Gates’ Technical Assistants team for a year, said Gates while addressing some 5,000 developers in Bangalore, India.

India is the first country where students will get the opportunity to learn about cutting-edge product development and innovations by working directly with Microsoft’s product and development and research teams, the company said in a statement Friday.

found by M. Hom

  1. Lance Baldwin says:

    “cutting-edge product development and innovations” – So Microsoft is hiring people to work with Google?

  2. Paul Stewart says:

    i heard they have tried that here in the US but when the students realised interns are non-paid positions the cadidates withdrew…

    We know Bill Gates’ Sacred Cash Cow will be safe in India…

    You would think India would have had enough of Imperialists after the English…

    The first posture of microsoft yoga is the 3 fingered Sadu…

  3. I’d like to see a requirement that multi-nationals doing business in the U.S. must pay at least 50% of the prevailing US wages to their international workers. If these people are so good, they should be paid a fair wage on a scale at least similar to ours. Programming is the 21st century sweat-shop work. Will someone please tell me in what non IT-technology area the US is going to excel in to maintain our standard of living?

  4. Teyecoon says:

    That’s easy George, we excel in “BS” and that is why our best ones are running the country.

  5. jasontheodd says:

    Wasn’t it last year Microsoft was screaming mad at the Indian government (and people) for all the pirate copies of windows in that country. Perhaps this is a half ass attempt at developing good PR in India, so they can sneak in more antipiracy crap on them. Not really a bad idea I guess, but it can’t work. People in the first world can’t afford a $400.00 copy of XP-PRO, I don’t expect somebody earning a dollar a day gives a damn about Microsoft’s bottom line.


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