Speaking after a meeting with Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, Ms Rice again insisted that the US did not “condone” torture. “It is against US law,” she said. But she appeared to concede for the first time that the Bush administration’s uncompromising policy of “rendition” against terrorist suspects had sometimes gone wrong….”We recognise that any policy will sometimes result in errors,” the US secretary of state said. She added: “When this happens we will do everything we can to rectify it.”

There were also new and embarrassing revelations yesterday that the CIA had closed down its secret jails in eastern Europe after their existence was revealed early last month by the Washington Post. According to ABC, citing CIA officials, the prisons believed to be in Poland and Romania were shut last month.

The 11 al-Qaida suspects held there were flown to north Africa before Ms Rice’s trip, the network said.

It’s exciting to see the Free Press begin to act like it’s really free!

  1. Boo-Hoo!
    Who cares?

  2. Improbus says:

    Why would anyone believe anything this administration says? All they do is lie. We have at least three more years of this … *sigh*

  3. N. Eric Philips says:

    Condi Rice said: “We recognise that any policy will sometimes result in errors…” By errors it seems to me to mean “we got caught.”

    America is a great country, a beacon of freedom, we should begin to act like it again.

  4. Incognito says:

    Rice has never lied before.

    “It’s not a question of if, we know they have wmds, we have seen them.”

    So you know this means we do have prisons everywhere.

  5. estacado says:

    What’s the point of lying when they know nobody believes them? Lying is only fun when you manage to fool somebody. I just don’t get it why they keep lying.

  6. AB CD says:

    When did they say they had no secret jails? They still have them now, and should have them. Do you want all these guys to end up in court?

  7. estacado says:

    AB CD,
    There’s this thing called human rights. It’s their right to be tried in court. Imagine somebody come knocking at your door in the middle of the night, took you away and locked you up without giving any explanation why they are doing it. You have nobody to help you, nobody knows where you are, and they are free to do what ever they want with you.

  8. AB CD says:

    No it’s not their right. This is a war. Treating it as a matter of courts is what caused 9/11 to being with. The evidence used to get the first WTC bombers led Al Qaeda to change their methods because they knew the US could listen in on some of their phones.

  9. estacado says:

    War is no excuse to justify human rights abuse. I doubt you will stand by your words if you were one of those people who are being held in those kind of prisons.

  10. WX YZ says:

    AB CD, We are coming for you for you for all those dodgy sites you visit. We already got your IP from John D and it is illegal for him to admit it, or obstruct us. We plan to send you to Mongolia and no one ever hears of you again. You cannot be afforded your rights because disclosure will give others ways to get around them. You can only be terminated without due process. We cannot be so wreckless as to afford you your so-called rights. This our war and you are the enemy. Freedom must march on.

  11. Moreno says:

    We haven’t had any other attacks since 9/11 so something must be working. If it means taking these dirty bastards away to some secret jail and getting information out of them then I don’t care. Besides, how many regular Americans or citizens have you heard of dissapearing all of a sudden? How many normal citizens have you heard of being mistakenly taken away in the middle of the night and locking you away without being given an explanation? So far the only ones that were held up what Padilla and the the last bomber. We all know those two bums were up to no good.

    I’d say, do whatever it takes to keep my weekly flights from being used as missles as well as allowing me to go out without having to worry that some dope with a sick agenda is going to blow himself up in the name of an entity that’s never condoned mass killings of innocent beings. I’m a soldier as well. I really think that all of this pussy talking about their rights and what-not is, as AB CD said, what led us to 9/11 in the first place. We need to show these idiots a hard fist and that we are not going to allow them to use our rules against us. I totally support secret jails. I really like the PSYOPS taking place here, basically denying to having them. I think it sends a good message to these bums that says we’re not pussy-footing around anymore!

  12. Mike Voice says:

    It smelled bad as soon as they started defending moving “detainees” to Gitmo – citing it as Cuban soil – so US laws do not apply. “We just have a lease”.

    Easy to say no laws are being broken when you are careful to avoid contries in which it is illegal, and work to block making it illegal in our own country (unless there are CIA exemptions).

    Sad to go to the official website for Gitmo:


    And read: “During the past year Naval Base Guantanamo Bay has become the host to the Detainee Mission of the War on Terrorism following the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.”

    We could have built similar facilites in Afghanistan, Iraq, or the US – but we “need” to spirit them away to Gitmo or “black sites”. Why?

    It was too convienient to use Abu Gharib as a prison, even with its atrocity-ridden history. Now, all we can say is: “It isn’t as bad as when Saddam was running the show”.

    In a nutshell: “We don’t torture, we interrogate – but you’ll have to take our word on that, because we won’t let you verify it.”

    We want the Iranians & North Koreans to let us inspect their nuclear programs, we got mad at Saddam for refusing to cooperate with inspectors, we demand that Nike and Wal-mart let us inspect their suppliers to verify they aren’t sweap-shops – while we want to be able to “disappear” people – whoever we want, whenever we want, wherever they are – no questions asked. 🙁

  13. dubya says:

    How many normal citizens have you heard of being mistakenly taken away in the middle of the night and locking you away without being given an explanation?

    Think outside your little suberban ticky-tack guzzling suv world for a few moments.

    It’s not the average americans that might get their door kicked in the middle of the night, loaded on some unmarked jet and flown to some shit hole in eastern europe to later be dumped in some river once it’s realized they are the wrong person. Its the law abiding muslim family that lives down the street in some other country that has been racially profiled that might disapear by accident. All they can say at the point is probably oops.. sorry.

  14. Jason says:

    Morena.- you say “pussy talking”

    you are the one who is scared. So scared that you would give up basic rights to save your own ass.

    Well as to me, I am not willing to give up such rights and freedom to satisfy my “safety” on a threat that “might” happen.

  15. T.C. Moore says:

    Treating it as a matter of courts is what caused 9/11 to being with.

    It was fighting terrorism after the fact, solely as a criminal investigation, that contributed to 9/11.

    It would be quite easy to go after the terrorists on a proactive basis, with law enforcement, domestic spying, and the military — i.e. what we are doing — while still respecting the suspects’ most basic human rights. You don’t provide protections for the guilty ones, you do it for the innocent ones. Or is the CIA perfect? I think we already know the answer to that.

    This whole mess is so counterproductive in the war on terror. Why can’t the neo-cons see that? Even Rumsfeld asked the question “Do our activities kill or remove from the field more terrorists than are recruited anew every day?”

  16. Moreno says:

    So we should just leave these “suspects” alone and sing and chant Cumbaya with them? Give them their phone call and get them their free lawyer? I don’t think so. In a pre 9/11 world I would’ve seen this as wrong. But now I see this as another way to gain much needed information.

    I swore to uphold and protect the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies Foreign and Domestic…this means I will have no compassion for anyone, anyone, who is suspected to carry or know of plans or be involved in some sort of plot to attack my fellow American citizens. Anyone who takes advantage of that great, living document in order to carry-out their terrorist acts. I take that very seriously.

    And, by the way Jason, I’ve been in the service, both Air Force and Army, including 7 years in an Infantry Unit which has been placed on stand by many times as well as been involved in security deployments during major National events and elsewhere, including GITMO. I have been a soldier for that long and intend to remain as such out of my own chosing. I do it because I believe in it and am ready to take up arms if called and told to do so. So don’t you dare accuse me of being scared of losing my rights. I don’t know if you know but soldiers are not ruled by the Constitution we protect. We’re governed by the United States Code of Military Justice which means I gave up my rights as a citizens when I originally enlisted and won’t get my Constitutional rights until I decide to not re-enlist. I defend and am willing to give up my life so you can sit there behind your CRT and puke out your free speech by accusing me of being scared! Ain’t that a bitch?

    Besides, who is taking away your rights here with these actions? The only people that should be scared of being taken away are those involved in Terrorist activities not the average citizen.

    Sorry to have offended you DUBYA. I’m not from no suburb. If I was then I wouldn’t be giving a flying F*CK as to what’s going on with the rest of you sorry-ass conspiracy theorist! I would’ve just kept my ass in my “little suberban ticky-tack guzzling suv world” of mine drinking wine and making money from Haliburton stock or whatever…

    All I can say is keep on defending these terrorist and giving them more rights. By doing so you are just making them stronger and braver as well as giving them more recruitment power and furthering their “cause”.

  17. Movi says:

    God dammit! I LIVE in Poland. My President AND Prime minister both LIED to ME when they BOTH said that “we do not hold any war prisoners on behalf the US”. Also, The US has lied yet AGAIN (WMDs, now this). And you ask why the US is so ill-seen (i don’t wanna use the word hated just yet) in this part of the world. Just wait till your government says “those damn European commies, all terrorists!”

  18. Sounds the Alarm says:

    If you take rights away from just a few for safety sake – can we not kill a few for the same sake? Suppose we just kill all Arabs, after all aren’t most terrorists Arabs?

    What, you have dark skin? You look Arab to me – lets kill you just in case. It will only be one innocent person we kill, but we will be oh so much safer.

    Doesn’t take much reasoning down this road to get to furnaces and camps, does it?

    BTW – AB CD – how old are you? My 15 year old nephew makes noises like your’s.

    No insult – just curious.

  19. AB CD says:

    What are these lies about WMD?

    Does anyone remember the Iraq/Iran War? The US gave or sold Saddam lots of weapons, and do you think they just disappeared? That he had no intentions of acquiring such weapons once sanctions were dropped?

    Found: 1.77 metric tons of enriched uranium

    • Found: 1,500 gallons of chemical weapons

    • Found: Roadside bomb loaded with sarin gas

    • Found: 1,000 radioactive materials–ideal for radioactive dirty bombs

    • Found: 17 chemical warheads–some containing cyclosarin, a nerve agent five times more powerful than sarin

    Get the whole chapter emailed to you at:

  20. Sounds the Alarm says:

    AB CD

    Nice try – that was the FIRST Gulf war and its after math that was responsible for taking out his weapon’s stockpiles.

    Nice solid neocon misdirection play though – the duhbya would be proud. You would have a big career as a FOX news person.

    BTW – did anyone catch the release of Navy records on the Gulf of Tonkin incident (the reason we escalated the Vietnam War)? It ends up, there was no attack. Let me see 58,000 dead on a lie. But wait no WMDs and 2100 more!

    What is it with presidents from Texas?

  21. Andy says:

    Free Press? They are all free and have always been (here). Free to say and slant news any way tey want. Its the American way!

  22. AB CD says:

    Umm, this stuff has been found now, not after the First Gulf War. You could also take a look at the Duelfer Report at the CIA’s website.

  23. GregAllen says:

    >>Who cares?

    Well, _I_ care. I care a lot. I’m an American who lives in the Muslim world and this lowering of the bar has real implications for me.

    When I (or another American) is accused of being a “spy” (a common charge over here) and we are “disappeared,” on what grounds is America going to lodge an objection?

  24. George L Smyth says:

    > Boo-Hoo!
    > Who cares?

    If you are someone who believes in human rights, then you care. If you are someone who has no respect for others then you probably do not. If you are someone who was brought up to believe that America is better than other countries because we don’t do this sort of thing then you are shocked.

  25. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Get the whole chapter emailed to you at:

    Tee hee! I can’t believe anybody cites Richard Mintner’s book as a “source” for anything. And the web site pimping it has a bold and glorious banner proclaiming “RAISE YOUR GLASS TO RUSH” running along the top of it. I’d rather suffer the pain of an anal cyst during combat that get myself on a junk emailing list from a radical right neocon nut-site like that. Woo.


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