this WEEK in TECH

A new podcast with Leo, myself and Larry Lessig discussing the Google initiatives to catalog books and the response. It’s an experimental show called Triangulation.

  1. UnlivedPhalanx says:

    The show is great but unless I am interested in the topic it is really easy to blow off since (like this weeks episode) I really just don’t care about that topic versus TWiT where you cover many topics and is generally changing topics.

  2. Mike says:

    Here comes the grammar cop. woo woo!!!

    A new podcast with Leo, Larry Lessig and me discussing …

    Sorry, I couldn’t help myself. 😀

  3. pb says:

    It would help if the three people “triangulating” disagreed with each other on anything. This was a good ol’ backslapping session.

    What did we learn? That Leo, Larry and John C think the publishers are stoopid, and Google Book Search is a great idea.

    Less groupthink please.

  4. Dale Huber says:

    I have faith that John C and Leo will be able to find a topic each week that deserves a little more in depth look than can be done on TWIT. If its not something I’m interested in, I’ll move on. But if you don’t give them a try, how are you going to learn.

  5. Mark says:

    This sounds like a great concept, like Nightline for podcasts. Looking forward to future episodes. Way to go guys….

  6. site admin says:

    PB, as a hater of groupthink, I understand your concern …BUT this is not about phony arguments. It’s about raising the information level on topics where three people basically agree but nobody has all the answers. Hence Triangulation. It’s an experimental concept. And yes, if you do not care about the topic it’s nothing you HAVE to listen to. AND you can always go back later if you develop an interest.

  7. Paul Stewart says:

    Some people really miss the point. The reason we use triangulation in navagation is to know where we are on the planet. it does not matter how close two of the points might be or all three. so even if folks in the podcast agree on a topic we can still disagree with them. the podcast has fulfilled it’s premise if it leaves us thinking about what we think about the topic; we know where we stand.

  8. Miguel says:

    Just wanted to say great work and keep it coming. Very interesting podcast. I’ll keep hearing it even if I think the topic is of no interest to me, who knows what I’ll find.

    Larry was a bit difficult to hear clearly, hopefully that can be sorted in the future. Could be longer (1 hour or so)? Or at least if the topic warrants it. Otherwise was great. And the music choice by Leo was awesome.

  9. Vinnie says:

    So when will it be on iTunes?

  10. Dale Huber says:

    It is already on iTunes. I had already downloaded it and then I noticed it showed up on iTunes. It must have been under either the TWIT or Radio Leo feed. Or maybe one of Leo’s other 20 iTune feeds. How does he keep all 20 different podcast in iTunes top 10?

  11. Christopher Coulter says:

    Geeesh, where’s the good ole JCD skeptical outlook…bring back some of that ole-time religion. These blogs, pods and other twits have gone to your head. 🙂

    This all reminds me of college kiddies playing radio only with “Pros” running on and on and on and on. Hire an editor.. Egads.

  12. estacado says:

    It’s virtually impossible for a defendent in a “crime against humanity” trial to really get a free trial. The extensive press coverage of the crime can really mess up the judgement process. It’s hard to be unbiased.

  13. estacado says:

    Is Larry a permanent member of Triangulation, or is there going to be a new third panel member going to be featured each week?

  14. site admin says:

    My idea is to put together any three guys…not sure where we will go with this.

  15. James Hill says:

    Love the concept, so-so on the execution.

    I would find this interesting, regardless of the topic, if each of the three brought a key piece of knowledge to the discussion. Instead, what happened was three people with the same view point agreeing with each other on the same base of information.

  16. site admin says:

    Noted Hill. My basic concept is to avoid FAKE debate.

  17. James Hill says:

    That’s why I love the concept. Between cable news, talk radio and the rest of the Internet there’s too much of the ‘fake debate’ going on these days.

    Perhapse you disagree, but to me that was the double-edged-sword of Silicon Spin. When there was something to discuss with different viewpoints it was easy to fill a 7 minute segment. But with agreement only, after about 3 minutes, it became hard to stretch some topics to fill time.


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