Podcast has been declared 2005 Word of the Year by the New Oxford American Dictionary.

The judges noted that only a year ago the term was known only to ‘a few techies and self-admitted “geeks”‘. Now thousands are available covering just about every subject imaginable.

The word, defined as ‘a digital recording of a radio broadcast or similar program, made available on the Internet for downloading to a personal audio player’, will be added to the online version of dictionary during the next update early next year.

TWIT Rules!

  1. Rob says:

    Twit does rule……

    Cept for the old guy 😉

  2. Jim Dermitt says:

    I was taught that you always check Websters on such matters.
    I searched for podcast.
    The result.
    “Sorry, this definition page is not yet loaded. Based on your search, we are increasing the priority for podcast and will race to post it for you if we have it on file. In the meantime, the links below are for public service or indexed to podcast and may be of interest”

    I have the dictionary people racing about to post it. Maybe they aren’t real thrilled with the idea of advertising for Apple without getting paid.


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