Reader Mark Fields was amused by the side-by-side advertisement and my column in PC Magazine. In the column I was moaning about net censorship and spying and the fall of Democracy. The ad was (kind of) for these exact tools!! Well, as they say, nobody ever went broke advertising next to a Dvorak column. Click here to read that column.

Incidentally Fields was suspicious of this placement and I can assure him that while advertisers request general placement, they cannot do it based on content since the deadlines for ads and editorial are quite different. Any advertiser can be put next to a Dvorak column by paying a premium. There is often a waiting list for these two spots. I never know who is going to crop up and they never know what I’m writing about. It’s more likely that I can pull a placement stunt like that than can an advertiser. That said advertising and editorial can be coordinated in onerous ways in very small publications. I can assure you that we don’t do it and couldn’t do it if we wanted to — and we don’t want to. It makes readers mad, so it’s a bad policy anyway.

  1. mike Cannali says:

    I’m afraid to comment because my employer is watching me over the network.

  2. twdldee says:

    I see no conflict of interest here.

    Squeel, Dvorak, squeeeeeelllll!

  3. Dave Pearson says:

    Talking of adverts, one of the Google ads that appeared next to your death penalty article, while I was viewing it, made me double-take. Here’s a screenshot.

    I’m still having trouble seeing the connection between “Death Penalty” and Nectar.

  4. Monosyllabic says:

    Dave – I was more taken aback by the “Designer Clothing” ad. What content on the page could possibly have brought that up?

  5. Paul Stewart says:

    Ok, but could an editor be having fun with you or us?

    as for the designer clothes, that is google looking like their machine placement is not so perfect. makes a distinct impression with it’s obscurity. strange thing is they can code that in at any point. man made machine errors? how hands off would that be?


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