Dozy dads and art accidents feature in an annual list of top 10 data disasters compiled by computer experts.

One incident involved a dog that used a USB flash drive as a chew toy and almost ate all its owner’s data.

But top of the list is an old laptop containing key company data that was found filled with cockroach corpses.

The wonders of modern technology don’t especially change human behavior — or excuses.

  1. jasontheodd says:

    Filled with cockroach corpses?????? YUCK!!! Don’t they eat trash? Was he keeping his laptop in a dumpster?

  2. floridahomeopath says:

    i’ve spilled a lot of drinks on my laptop over the past 5 years or so.
    a cup of coffee one time (with cream and honey), a glass of lemonade, a glass of water (while I was giving a presentation).
    the worst was the smoothi

    all 4 times I did not lose computer functionality
    the rules are:
    1. turn the computer upside down as fast as you can
    2. shake it vigorously until it stops dripping
    3. do not vacuum the keyboard (i did that once and lost a lot of keys)
    4. do not turn off your computer – the heat will dry it out – i leave mine on for days after a spillage
    5. use q-tips or kleenex/kitchen towel and toothpicks to go into every crevice
    6. if you are giving a presentation and your computer carries on working don’t panic – just carry on as if this kind of thing is no big deal.
    7. if there was sugar in the drink replace the keyboard asap and get someone who has done it before to clean the innards of the computer with special products (they are pretty toxic).

    none of these spills were as bad as the time i set my laptop on a coffee table that had a piece of chocolate lying on a it – I’d put it there to finish in a minute so hadn’t wrapped it – it melted up into my computer very badly – but my laptop never stopped working – only slowed down a little – it wasn’t until the smoothie incident that i called someone in and had him clean a couple of years worth of god knows what out of my laptop

    i have a no drinks on the same surface as my laptop rule now

    it’s a compaq presario x1000!


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