Cruise, all wet

Cruise goes ultra-sound — This can’t be good for the kid. Cruise apparently bought or is buying his own ultrasound device so he can pummel the baby with excessive treatments. Does he want to make sure the baby is in there? Or what?

Tom Cruise who cannot seem to get enough of his unborn child has gone ahead shelling money for an up to $200000 sonogram. The frequent use of a device that breaks the silence of the womb appears a bit intrusive and a tad out of sync with Cruise’s philosophy it would seem, even if out of fatherly concern.

The 43-year old former husband of actress Nicole Kidman it appears is now trying to get savvy in Obstetrics, while personally tracking the progress of his baby in Katie’s womb. He amusedly confirmed to a startled Barbara Walters on a shortly-to-be-aired ABC talk show about “Most Fascinating People” about his purchase and that he was going to do it himself.

Is this safe or dangerous? Well read this article and you tell me!

The two main concerns that most women will likely have about ultrasound regard its safety and accuracy–two issues about which, unfortunately, women receive little information. In reality, ultrasound is not sound at all. Sound is between 20 hertz and 20 kilohertz. Ultrasound waves travel between 2 and 4 megahertz and have been classified by the Bureau of Radiological Health as “radiation.”

Then we have the emergence of entertainment sonograms. Many think it’s dangerous and might be illegal.

One company, Fetal Fotos, has branches in 22 states. Another firm, 3DBabyVu, has four locations in the San Francisco Bay Area and claims to perform up to 200 screenings per site each month.

The FDA and several medical organizations such as the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM) have come out against the so-called entertainment sonograms, citing potential health hazards with non-medically justified ultrasound energy and possible misinterpretation of sonograms by patients and unskilled personnel.

The FDA considers it illegal for anyone to promote, sell, or lease ultrasound equipment for the purpose of making keepsake fetal videos, particularly if there is no medical prescription.

Perhaps Cruise should be a few years older so he could remember the ridiculous X-ray machines that were once found in shoe stores. You’d stick your feel in and look at how your feet looked like inside the shoes! They were eventually banned.

The radiation hazards associated with shoe fitting x-ray units were recognized as early as 1950. The machines were often out of adjustment and were constructed so radiation leaked into the surrounding area.

By 1970, shoe fitting x-ray units had been banned in 33 states including Minnesota and strict regulation in the remaining 17 states made their operation impractical.

related link:
Weird Letters

found by Meetsy

  1. Paul says:

    John, you’re being glib. You don’t know the history of ultrasound technology like I do.

  2. Mike T says:

    This guy is getting more and more weird. He is going down the Michael Jackson path.

    Is this what scientology does to you? I have a lot more respect for Nicole Kidman now — talk about getting out while the getting was good.

    Mike T

  3. James Hill says:

    Any guy that goes from a Kidman to a Holmes has serious problems…

  4. Bryan says:

    Tom is crazy.

    Featured in this recent must see southpark:

  5. mike Cannali says:

    First Michael Jackson, now Tom Cruise. Once you get to a certain level of fame, the normal forces of society that induce sanity weaken, wither and wane.

    A suggestion that he give the contraption to a hospital in a disadvantaged area that cannot aford one on it’s own.


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