Britney Spears and Kevin Federline

MSN Entertainment: Celebrities Undressed — If you like catty commentary, MSN’s Kat Giantis is perhaps the best you’ll find. But how hard can it be with all the goofballs floating around Hollywood these days? I mean look at the happy couple pictured above. It looks like two destitute high school kids from Gnawbone, Indiana after a shopping spree at the Goodwill store.

Usually, we’d make some snide remark about how the Britster is just a bone in her hair away from achieving the full Pebbles Flintstone effect, or that K. Fed’s wormlike, circulation-cutting cornrows would make Bo Derek point and giggle. These days, however, we’re just happy the down-market duo took the time to run a comb through their usually mussed manes.

  1. Floyd says:

    Um–don’t be dissin’ Gnawbone. They don’t even have a Goodwill store…

  2. Sounds the Alarm says:

    Trailer Trash

  3. BOB G says:

    me thinks you insult my people in Gnawbone, Indiana

  4. site admin says:

    Yes, maybe.

  5. James Hill says:

    And how many more months until she is in Playboy… or Hustler… or Jugs?

  6. Sounds the Alarm says:

    Or worse, how long until HE’S in Blueboy, Hustler…or Dicks?


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