A German Protestant youth group has put together a 2006 calendar illustrated with erotic scenes from the Bible.

The 12 re-enacted passages feature a bare-breasted Delilah cutting Samson’s hair and a nude Eve offering an apple.

The Nuremberg-based group said they wanted to represent the Bible in a way that would entice young people.

Nuremberg pastor Bernd Grasser said: “It’s just wonderful when teenagers commit themselves with their hair and their skin to the bible.”

Without comment.

  1. Stan says:

    Is anyone else totally creeped out by that cover photo? Eve has no arms and her torso is turned 180 degrees from the rest of her. Ugh!

  2. Tytus Suski says:

    Have they reenacted Onan story, too?

  3. Justin says:

    So, I believe the next logical step for youth groups after this trend catches on is missionary prostitution. My friend’s been promoting that for years now, and it looks like we’re to the place it could catch on.
    Who says Bible Study has to be boring. 🙂

  4. tev says:

    sign me up..how do i order a copy

  5. John Ridley says:

    I think this is disgusting and should be stopped, how can they be calling themselves followers of God?

  6. eric says:

    sorry–the protestants aren’t guilty this time, kiefer. the calendar is from bavaria–so it’s 100% catholic.

  7. Tom says:

    Where can I buy a copy of the calendar? The website uses german text.


  8. GregAllen says:

    This calendar reminds me of how differently we from the Puritan and similar Northern-European church traditions view the human body and sexuality. Other church traditions see no conflict between nudity and worship.

    Just walk around Italian churches to see my point. They are FILLED with nude painting and sculptures, many clearly erotic. I don’t totally get-it but, obviously, they had a very enthusiastic spiritual view of sexuality!

  9. Kat says:

    100% Catheolic huh? Ever hear of Martin Luther?

  10. Jen says:

    I think this is more than weird. I still wanna see the calendar but the website is doesn’t work anymore. It did bother me to find out that most of the “models” wer under age and that the pastor said it was “just wonderful when teenagers commit themselves with their hair and their skin to the bible,” . just weird

  11. JC Dill says:

    All of the articles refer to “a Protestant youth group” and the pastor of a “church in Nuremberg”. Why doesn’t the reporter give us the name of the Protestant youth group, the name of the church in Nuremberg?

    Numerous searches to try to obtain this information have been fruitless. Searching on the photographer’s name only finds references back to the article, ditto for searches on the church pastor’s name.

    The bibelkalender.de website is not working. The Internet Archive and Google both have no cache of pages from this site. The domain name was registered just a few weeks ago (Oct 25, 2005) and is registered to the photographer’s name, not to the name of a church or church youth group.

    How do they plan to sell these 2006 calendars? It’s December 2005 and 2006 calendars have been available in all the stores for many months now.

    Add it up, this looks like a hoax.

  12. Stiff Little Fingers says:

    actually it is a protestant calendar eric, it says it in the first line of the article.
    “A German Protestant youth group…”

    i just wonder if the germans sit around trying to come up with ridiculous shit to do. all i have to say is that a lot of devote christian teens are going to get a pretty sweet christmas present…..then commit the sin of self love.

  13. Dennis Myhand says:

    This is for Eric. I had no idea that Bavaria was 100% Catholic. It certainly wasn’t any more that 50% Catholic when I Lived there in the 70’s. It is nice to see the Catholics taking the idea of evangelism so seriously. I had read on YahooNews that this church was an Evangelischer (Evangelical) congregation.

  14. nizar says:

    It is a nice calendar

  15. M. Biel says:

    The site is back in both German and English. They apologized for having been down on 6 Dec because they had over 6000 hits. It is not a hoax. They DO identify the church, the paster, the youth group, and even have a page with directions how to get to the church. Strange as it might seem to Americans, many Europeans, especially Germans, are not ashamed of their bodies, having been created in God’s image. ALL beaches in Europe are topless, and most in countries like Denmark have nude sections. And in many German cities, people sunbathe nude in public parks in the center of town. Such as the Englisher Gartens in Munich. There are holy paintings and statues in churches all over Europe with nude figures, both male and female. Many regular major newspapers in Europe feature a topless picture in every edition. Sex doesn’t bother the Europeans, VIOLENCE does.
    Grow up America.

  16. pronoy polycarp rozario says:

    such calendar is a stant. more views found in bible,which can be photographed.

  17. Dan says:

    I think this whole idea of eroticizing the Bible is utterly insane. How can these people even pretend to be doing God’s work when they clearly forgot how to open their Bibles. It says in 1 Corinthians 18 to “Flee from sexual immorality.” Seems like they are doing the exact opposite AND calling it God’s work.

    Sure these stories were in the Bible before some 32 year-old photogropher decided to visualize them and post them in a calendar, but why were they in the Bible in the first place? The point in the story of Samson and Delilah, one of those which was depicted in the calendar, was to show that even a Judge of God, if he does not love God more than women or anything else for that matter, will fall. Using the segment of his uncovenant based realtionship with Delilah is a misinterpretation of the story. Here’s a better example. If your old man comes and tells you “Son/Daughter, don’t smoke or drink. It will ruin your life.” Would it be right for you to go and do those things just because your dad mentioned what NOT to do specifically? Of course not.

    A better question would be why have has this “youth group” chosen to portray these events the way it did? I dont know if I can answer that question, but I know they do not represent the same God I believe in. I believe that Christ freed people from selling themseves for sin. Not one person, who has ever had a real encouter with Jesus would be able to convince themselves that the way to “reach” the German youth is by submitting to these cheap methods.

    This is not evangelism at all! Its a bogus claim to attach a divine will to things God is clearly against. If you don’t agree with me, thats cool. But what I say is straight out of the Bible. God has always judged those who pervert his laws.

    If you are interested in discovering a true relationship with God, one that is not based on looking at a pare of underaged breasts in a marble church, while telling youself that the Bible is nothing more than a Playboy magazine, then visit THIS website: http://www.msny.org

  18. neuromusic says:

    As a clarification to the parties involved, “Evangelical” in Germany and Europe is theologically equivalent to Lutheranism in the states and “Reformed” is equivalent to Calvinism.

    Such schools of religion are much more developed than today’s American, non-denominational “evangelicals.”

  19. abner says:

    I think this calendar is great!! and to those people who think that this calendar is contradicting what the Bible says, I think you are mistaken.
    hey dan since when was nudity “sexual immorality.” what kinda man are you or are you a man? hey man guess what Gods first command ment was?? believe it or not it was “be fruitful and multiply,and replenish the earth”….. genesis 1;28
    and since when was nudity a sin??? whenever you go in the shower you sin?? or do you wash with your clothes on?
    Did God make adam and eve with clothes on??
    correct me if Im wrong but it was after they ate the fruit that they realized they were naked, and as far as I know the fruit did nothing but trouble. I believe this calendar is great. thubms up to those germans…theyre on the right track.


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