13WMAZ.com – Central Georgia’s #1 Source for News, Weather and Sports — A cam in the bathroom? Wait until the perverts link to it — let’s see who gets in trouble then.

A Jasper County mother says her 8th grade son found a video camera taping in the school bathroom this week. But now, he is the one in trouble.

Cindy Champion says her son, Mac Bedor, and a few of his friends took the camera out of the ceiling because they felt it violated their privacy. Champion says her son brought the camera home to show her that afternoon. She says when she contacted the Jasper County Comprehensive School, she found out high school principal, Howard Fore, put the camera there

Principal Fore: Advocate of the bathroom cam

the topper:

“I had told the high school principal, Mr. Fore, that he needed to come up with another solution. That this wasn’t appropriate. His response to me was he was going to continue to film.”

thanks to Steve Newlin for finding this item

  1. Improbus says:

    Why do these kind of ass hats end up in the Education system? They don’t seem to have the brains god gave a tunip.

  2. K B says:

    I can’t wait to watch this story unfold….

  3. Ima Fish says:

    “They don’t seem to have the brains god gave a tunip.”

    Improbus, I think you answered your own question.

  4. RTaylor says:

    When I taught high school I had to hurry down the hall between classes to monitor the boys room. It was part of the job since smoking, drug use and vandalism ran rampant if left unmonitored. I had much rather an administrator sitting in an office monitored this instead of me standing 5 minutes in a smelly school bathroom. It was a common place for beatings and assaults also. The major difference in being a high school teacher and a prison guard is that prison guards don’t have to grade papers at night. 😉

  5. Good God, how is that right on any level?

    Much less, what lesson is he teaching kids — do as I say, not as I do? Privacy can be broken in regards to property?

    Poor boundaries, Principal Fore — and poor judgement.

  6. Mike says:

    What do bet that this jackass is actually a pervert claiming that he put it there to catch a vandal. If this was in my district, I would file a FOIA request for the log files of his PC, including any image files as well as his web usage logs.

    Where the kid made a mistake is when he took it home. He should have called the media and police because a pervert was spying on boys.


  7. Ima Fish says:

    I agree with Mike. Check out this other article:


    The ONLY person at the school who knew about the camera was the principal who put it there:

    “That was the interesting part to me that surprised me — Ms. Massengil, the middle school principal, nor the teachers were aware. No one seemed to be aware besides the principal at the high school,” Champion said.

  8. Improbus says:

    Mike, I think the FOIA only applies to the Federal Gubberment.

  9. jasontheodd says:

    To R Taylor,

    I don’t mean to sound like a flamer. I mean this to be a thought provoking response. But I must say that the justification for spying on citizens used throughout history has been “It’s for their own good.” The justification for watching (and recording) hundreds of little boys naked is that we might catch someone smoking? I’ll pass out the cigars myself If it prevents perverts like this from getting into my child’s school.

  10. gquaglia says:

    I sense a law suit coming and if the local Board of Education is smart, a want ad for a new school principal!

  11. Imafish says:

    Improbus, both states AND the federal government have FIOA statutes.

  12. Mike Voice says:

    Too bad he took the camera down. If he had just told his Mom about it, she could have gotten some other parents together and they could have seen for themselves what part of the bathroom the camera was pointing toward. Now, they will have to fight for access to the Principal’s computer – to see if he was watching the sinks, or the stalls.

    Also too bad the boys didn’t think to “accidentally” flash the camera, and then tell Mom about the camera – the Principal could then explain why he had indecent pictures of students on his hard-drive. 🙂

  13. KB says:

    It seems that cameras in student bathrooms are becoming a new American pasttime:
    “…similar abuse of civil liberties in Ohio, Texas, and New York where cameras have also been placed in student bathrooms.”

    Recalling school administrators from my own grade school and high school days, it doesn’t surprise me that their ethics don’t preclude such activities.

    Also, regarding the notion that the student “stole” the camera, I would say that if (or should I say “since”) the placement of the camera was improper, then taking it home to show his mom was nothing more than protecting his evidence. What was he supposed to do, turn it in to the principal’s office?

  14. rob says:

    The liberal press would be having a field day if this happened in a catholic school or some othe private school.

  15. James says:


    I suspect that this is going to end up in a VERY expensive invasion of privacy lawsuit.

    Also, if citizens REALLY want to push it, I guess you could contact the FBI’s newly created Porn Squad and report the INTENT to create kiddie peeping porn on this school and see what happens.

    Should be interesting to say the least.

  16. WTF!? This is Crazy. If this happened at my school, There would be more Terminations than you could count. I d know that some teachers (and a librarian) at my school have the collective intelligence of a coconut, but this makes me sick.

  17. AB CD says:

    You’re missing the point. Students all the time go around and destroy the soap packetes for the sinks. If this is all that was being recorded, then it’s perhaps a justified use of money.

  18. “The major difference in being a high school teacher and a prison guard is that prison guards don’t have to grade papers at night.”

    I agree with Rtaylor. There should be cameras to monitor the little hooligans—and in the classrooms as well—unless, of course, the taxpayers would prefer to pay for professional security instead. The real problem is that school administrators don’t know what the real priorities are. They only care about high salaries for themselves. These adult criminals should also be monitored.

    Students and teachers have a right to a secure learning environment. Teachers should teach. They shouldn’t be required to do hall and bathroom duty.

  19. gquaglia says:

    AB CD, I hear you are wasting too much TP in your bathroom, think we should mount a camera there too.

  20. Pat says:

    The most surprising thing about this is the number of people defending the Principals’ actions. The fact that he was the only one that knew about this would leave me to believe his true objective was less then supervisory. The porn squad should be checking out the guy’s computer and the School board should be checking out a new Principal.

    This guy has to be a tunip head.

  21. AB CD says:

    I’m not talking about bars of soap, but rather liquid packets that get destroyed and sprayed around, with substantial cleanup costs, as well as no soap for the rest of the day. The costs can be high, so the principal has a good reason. Perhaps it is more likely it is just an excuse, but you would think if it were he would back off once found out.

  22. Corey says:

    Why in the world should he get in trouble,that is a violation of his privacy i personally would have taken it down and crushed the damn thing or something.


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