O’Grady’s PowerPage – Your Mobile Technology Destination — This can’t be good news. Does anyone ever check these things? There are about a dozen top content management and blogging tools out there. They are listed. Test them! That said, I myself have not upgraded so I cannot confirm this allegation. Apparently Mambo is screwed up by Firefox 1.5 also.

Everyone’s abuzz about the recent announcement of Firefox 1.5 but I can’t use it because it doesn’t work with WordPress, the blogging software behind my ZDnet blog The Apple Core. I’ve been using Firefox 1.0.x for quite a while now and I check the 1.5 beta releases every time they come out but I’ve had to go back to 1.0.x every time because of compatibilty problems. I was optimistic that the final version of Firefox 1.5 would work with WordPress, but alas, no dice. FF 1.5 betas had problems with Movable Type too, but I didn’t even get around to testing the 1.5 release with MT. Too bad, I really wanted to use some of Firefox’s new features too…

  1. Eideard says:

    I’ve done the upgrade — but, that’s for the Mac version. It’s certainly worked fine with WordPress. It works fine with the recent upgrade in iBlog — which I use at my own site. It works fine with the proprietary software used at the local newspaper where I also post.

  2. Mark says:

    So, why would it not work? All of the code for these CMS programs is run on the server where is gathers data and spits out HTML for the browser to render. The browser does nothing more then it would do with any web page.

    From the browser side the only problem I could see is that some of these CMS programs use pop-ups to display functions and if you’ve got pop-ups blocked, that could be a problem thats easily fixed by the user.

    Not to sound cynical, but it sounds like either a rumor started by someone who doesn’t like FireFox, or someone who doesn’t know how to run their browser, their CMS, or both.


  3. Improbus says:

    I am viewing the site with FireFox 1.5 and I haven’t noticed any problems.

  4. jbirkhead says:

    Well, this guy knew about the problem but seems like he failed to report it.

    – John

  5. I’ve checked mamboportal.com and my Movable Type blog and they both seem fine. Haven’t checked wordpress yet….

  6. Steve says:

    I haven’t noticed any problems since I upgraded. Perhaps Firefox is conflicting with some other software on Mr. O’Grady’s system.

    Just curious, John, what percentage of your readers are using 1.5?

  7. site admin says:

    I’m beginning to suspect this blogger has other problems…

  8. Milo says:

    “Doesn’t work”! What kind of a description is that? Next he’ll be saying “it’s broke”!

  9. jbirkhead says:

    I paid for Opera 5 and I liked it a lot. I prefer Firefox because it is extensible so I can make the browser work like I want it to. Opera 8.5 is definitely faster loading pages these days though….


  10. Awake says:

    >> I’m beginning to suspect this blogger has other problems…
    Yeah… like he works for MS? John, you yourself talked about fanatics that attack and hype programs, either because of obsession or employment.
    Personally I’ve always been of the opinion that if a website works only with a specific browser, but not with the ‘top three’ browsers, then there is a problem with the website, not the browser. Websites need to cater to the users, not the opposite. The only exception being Safari… I’ve had nothing but problems with that junk.

  11. themaxx.ca says:

    I must have a magic version of FireFox 1.5 or some uber xhtml skills.. because my WordPress blog shows fine in every browser. IE, Safari, Firefox, Opera, Konkeror and the rest….

  12. I haven’t had any CMS-related problems with Firefox 1.5 but I did notice that it’s Linux integration has some seriously annoying flaws.

    (The first call to a GTK-based function like the Save As dialog or Drag-and-Drop freezes the browser for (5*numOfTabs) seconds roughly and if it’s drag and drop, then it takes the rest of X Windows with it)

    A real pity too since 1.0.x on Linux is too slow to be usable in my opinion.

  13. Luís Camacho says:

    “Why does ‘Opera’ get no attention?
    It is an extraordinary browser.”

    Opera doesn’t need this kind of attention since it works flawlessly everytime!
    Yes, Opera zealotry X-D

  14. ranron says:

    What a shame… I was looking foward to the release of Firefox 1.5

  15. I installed Firefox 1.5 and my blog and all the other Blogger blogs I read don’t display their backround images.

    I don’t see any obvious functional advantages to F 1.5 and now my favorite theme isn’t compatible, either. I will no longer dutifully upgrade software until there is a consensus that it’s really beneficial.

  16. TR Daggett says:

    Re: #15:
    You see one negative comment by someone you don’t know and decide not to use the product? Thst’s scary.

    I’ve been using Firefox (and Opera 8.5, [and IE only when I have to]) for quite a while and rarely do I have any problems with it. Most of the issues I’ve seen seem to come from conflicts with installed extensions and/or problems with an individual’s configuration.
    It does make good sense to choose the higher-rated extensions to avoid unecessary headaches.

    I’ve learned to be patient though, and stay with the previous version until things sort themselves out and all my favorite extensions are compatible with it.

  17. Raymond L Koenig says:

    I have used both Mozilla and or Firefox 1.5 on all of my computers and have had no problems viewing weblogs be it Dvorak or any other blog. I run Knoppix linux on one home computer, PCBSD on the other. My work computer has Windoze 2000 with Mozilla and my work laptop has Windoze 98 with Firefox 1.5 no problems there either.
    This guy must be some fringe Microsoft fanatic worried about the least bit of market share loss to Firefox et al.

  18. Incognito says:

    Just be like me, never upgrade until the second beta test, which is usaully the first official release 🙂

  19. Firefox and latest version of WordPress are working fine for me.

  20. Teyecoon says:

    Could be a Microsoft funded website because their claims don’t seem to be proving true. Click this button for Open Source FUD payments (redirects to http://www.microsoft.com/nocompetition/FUDOSS : ) ).

  21. orrin says:

    if you have problems with a site, there is a system called bugzilla that you can report it in. if you are technically adept enough to setup and use wordpress you can handle bugzilla.

  22. BenFranske says:

    I’ve been using the beta, RC and final version of FireFox 1.5 for quite some time and have yet to see any problems from any of the CMS systems I manage. I think this is bunk.

  23. Milo says:

    Well I’ve been playing with Ff 1.5 for several hours now and the main difference for me is that web pages, including this one, load at dizzying speed!

  24. N. Thomas says:

    Just installed 1.5 and it runs great! Click Back/Forward is dramatically improved as well as page loading times. I also like the new clear private data option. The upgrade was effortless.

  25. Flash says:

    It is a good idea to create a new profile in the final release of FF 1.5. If you have in the past installed lots of extensions a new profile will give you a fresh start.

    Type this( firefox.exe -profilemanager ) into to run command to create new profile. You’ll still be able to use other profile if you want .

  26. jasontheodd says:

    To: 5 cent cigar

    Opera gets less press because you have to pay for it. I enjoy using opera myself, but the free version doesn’t compare with Firefox. For people who don’t mind paying, I feel many would prefer the full version of opera over Firefox. But the free one (found frequently in Linux distros or as a download) doesn’t knock my socks off. To make opera lovers even more jealous this December, Firefox will release a PDA browser. It will compete directly with IE-mini and Mini-Opera on Pocket PC and Palm handhelds. Expect more press on this in early January.

  27. Peter Kirn says:

    I know Jason (PowerPage.org), so this isn’t some anti-Firefox rumor — but Jason’s simply wrong. (Or, more likely, ZDNet is using some kind of custom admin template that’s causing the problem. Not WordPress’ fault.)

    Do people test the content management systems? YES.

    Does Firefox 1.5 work with WordPress 1.5.2? YES.

    Does Firefox 1.5 work with Mambo 4.5.1? YES. 4.5.2? YES.

    I’ve tested all these systems and post regularly with them. (Though don’t get me started on why Mambo is a poor choice of content management system — I’m migrating createdigitalmusic.com now to WordPress, a HUGE pain.)

    Anyway, Firefox 1.5 does work with these systems; you can test them yourself. That makes me curious to know what the problem Jason is having, because something’s probably happening, sure it’s not his imagination.

    Look, you should test your browser before you commit to a new release. But I suppose what’s good about the blogosphere here is that wrong information can spread quickly — and get corrected — before it spreads too far.

  28. Brian says:

    Well, actually, FF 1.5 does have problems with the default WSIWYG editor in Mambo, TinyMCE. It’s not a Mambo problem specifically, but I’m sure it has something to do with FF 1.5 and not necessarily TinyMCE.

    A quick search google for ‘Firefox 1.5 Mambo problems’ will pull up plenty of results.


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