Let me tell YOU something, punk!

Newsday.com: Saddam trial to resume What is that idiot Ramsey Clark doing defending Saddam Hussein? This is incredible. And while on the subject of idiots, how long does it take to try this jerk? What is taking so long?

BAGHDAD, Iraq — The courtroom will be the same but uncertainty surrounds nearly everything else as the trial of Saddam Hussein resumes Monday after a five-week recess.

Will the court grant a defense request for a three-month postponement? Will witnesses testify behind screens to shield their identities? Will Saddam’s foreign lawyers, including former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark, be allowed to attend the trial?

  1. Did Saddam Hussein and Osama BinLaden originally get weapons, money and training from the United States?

    Maybe Ramsey Clark is defending Saddam in order to bring out the facts concerning the support of the US for the use of poison gas in the Iran-Iraq war. Could it be that the US supplied him with the stuff and well as showed him how to use it? Is there any published information about what was going on during that period?

  2. David says:

    Let’s see… hmmm… when are those mid-term elections?

  3. Jim says:

    I was thinking about the Clark question on Sunday when I saw a headline about it. Clark is a big believer in big government, which Iraq had with Hussein. The whole trial is about government power and endless process. You or I decide a course of action based on what makes sense at the time. It seems that some people in government see no ends, just the means to something. It’s always something better, something global. Maybe Clark is just in for the money or maybe the glory. A good lawyer can make a case last for months, a great lawyer can make a case last for years. The Clark strategy may be to put the invasion and war on trial. Too late for that. Too bad we can’t find a lawyer to put the war on hold, so people can get back to their lives and business. It’s anyones guess to what motivates people. If Clark can make the U.S. look bad, he should have plenty of help. They could of had this all wrapped up months ago by letting the Iraqis take care of it. The U.S. seems to have plenty of folks that think the Iraqis can’t do anything without the U.S. involved. I think we tend to underestimate the capabilities of the Iraqis. We want to be needed. The Gulf Coast needs plenty of help. The area around the Gulf of Mexico that is now a wreck is in need of help. We are seeing an unending supply of resources dedicated to Iraq and people here are suffering, homeless and hungry. People like Clark are concerned with bigger issues around the world. Clark might just consider himself a patriot in some way we can’t understand. He may consider Hussein a compatriot. I sort of think his client is doomed and Iraq isn’t looking very great either. Maybe Clark is trying to be a modern Hans Frank or Dr. Seidl.

    I’m not a lawyer and I have no idea what a guy like Clark must be thinking. It’s way over my head. It’s the trial of the century. I hope we can get all of this behind us and move forward. Clark is a figure from the past, rushing into an uncertain future. Iraq is a perfect place for him to use his talents. The big goal may be to make Bush look bad, as if he really needs the help. He certainly is going to have a difficult task making Saddam Hussein look good, let alone innocent. History should note that Mr. Clark is a tireless and skilled administrator. All these government hack types are tireless. They never get tired of government. To them Saddams virtue is that he worked for the government, which must entitle him to something. How about a blindfold and a cigarette?

  4. Mike says:

    Milosevic is still on trial, so they’re being careful. It wouldn’t hurt if his supporters kept killing his lawyers so the trial gets delayed.

  5. Jim says:

    Pittsburgh Beacon
    by Judge Rufus Peckham

  6. D.C. Hammer says:

    Re: “…how long does it take to try this jerk?”

    Longer than normal, perhaps, because the defense attorneys keep getting whacked.

  7. Joe says:

    This could have all been avoided with one well placed granade in that hole they found him in!

  8. Oh yes. Let’s just ram it through to completion with a summary proceeding and execute him before a firing squad, all the while giving speeches about how we respect the rule of law and occupy the moral high ground.

  9. I’m sorry, who is it that respects the rule of law?


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