End of an era

Alias is Kaput — With rumors that Garner was getting too big (in more ways than one) for the show, ABC pulled the plug. I think that the producer is also spending more time feeding his cash cow LOST to keep the crazy Alias storyline going much longer anyway. There was potential for some cool Rimbaldi stuff, but it seems lost in the shuffle. But behind it all I sense that movie actor Ben Affeck is telling his pregnant girlfriend, Jennifer Garner, that she should be in movies like him. She should do well no matter what because with five seasons in the can it means perpetual syndication. Five seasons is the goal because then you can sell the rights for one year of five-day-a-week programming.

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Alias is going undercover for good. The spy drama starring Jennifer Garner will end its five-season run in May, ABC announced Wednesday, promising a big finish.
Greg Grunberg, left, Jennifer Garner, center, and Carl Lumbly won’t be teaming on any more Alias missions after the end of this season.

“Alias is not going to wind down as it comes to an end, it’s going to rev up, and we’re going to make it the event it deserves to be,” ABC Entertainment President Stephen McPherson said in a statement.

  1. Ima Fish says:

    Am I the only guy on the planet who thinks Garner is dog butt ugly? I just don’t get it. She has the face of a horse and a body of a concentration camp victim. Give that poor girl a sandwich before she dries up and blows away.

  2. Justin says:

    I think your description more aptly applies to Sarah Jessica Parker (only God knows how she got famous).
    I’ll agree that Garner is definitely overrated, but she can still be very pretty in the right settings. All a matter of taste, I guess.

  3. Hal Jordan says:

    If they want to end in a cool way, why don’t they just give the crew a crossover episode where they crash land on the island of Lost.

  4. Me says:

    Yes. You are the only one.

  5. Me Too says:

    I agree with Me.

  6. elizar says:

    No big loss. Sadly though CBS is pulling Threshold from the broadcast schedule. Which when translated says: “it’s cancelled, but we aren’t admitting it yet.”.

  7. Incognito says:

    Let’s see you or your wives picture friend 🙂

  8. site admin says:

    Looks like you are alone on this one Ima. Who do you like?

  9. estacado says:

    Garner is not ugly. She’s just not drop-dead gorgeus. 6.8/10. I’m a more of the Jessica Alba kind of guy.

  10. gquaglia says:

    ‘But behind it all I sense that movie actor Ben Affeck is telling his pregnant girlfriend, Jennifer Garner, that she should be in movies like him”

    And we all know how many hits he has been in.

  11. Me three says:

    Definitely you’re the only one. A real guy would find Garner attractive. If she is dog butt ugly and has the face like a horse, show me the pic of your girlfriend

  12. Parallax Abstraction says:

    I don’t think Garner is ugly, but she’s definitely not “all that.” Midn you, I have friend who think Paris Hilton is hot and I mean…GOD NO!

  13. BB says:

    Sarah Jessica Parker looks like a small horse.

    Garner is cute.

    Alba is a goddess.

  14. site admin says:

    OK..I have a gratuitous Jessica Alba post I’ll do in the next couple of days!! She’s kind of a hard-ass compared to Garner, but lovely for sure.

  15. Ima Fish says:

    First, Alba is very pretty. There’s no doubt about it. However, she could use a sandwich now and again. Bodies of 10 year old boys tend NOT to turn me on. I was shocked that they actually made her have cleavage in the Fantastic Four. That was probably the best special effect in the entire movie!

    And I don’t see how my wife/girlfriend has ANYTHING to do with Garner’s attractiveness. The attractiveness of my wife/girlfriend has NO bearing on the attractiveness of Garner. And I can’t for the life of me understand how it could.

    If my wife/girlfriend was ugly, would Garner suddenly NOT look like a horse? If she were beautiful, would Garner suddenly look MORE like a horse?! Can someone explain this too me.

  16. Max says:

    Someone is in need of a transfusion if the pic that’s posted didn’t give ya a rise. Yum!

  17. Zuke says:

    I think you’re alone on that one, Ima.

    People want to see a pic of your wife/GF to figure out your attractive/ugly scale. Also to see if you’re one of those guys who’d call Angelina Jolie a dog because her index toe is longer than her big toe, but in reality you’re wife/GF looks like Don Knotts…

    p.s. Jessica Alba… YUM.

  18. James Hill says:

    Ima, relax. These guys want to see a picture of your wife beause they want to know what one looks like. To them, a wife is a myth.

    I agree: She’s not attractive. At least not attractive enough to be thought of as a sex symbol.

    Also, watch Boston Legal. Best show on TV. JCD would be a great “rabbit”, for those of you who watch the show.

  19. Mike Voice says:

    Can someone explain this too me.


    What you say makes perfect sense i.e. “The attractiveness of my wife/girlfriend has NO bearing on the attractiveness of Garner. And I can’t for the life of me understand how it could.”

    The Gardner/Alba/Parker discussions remind me of similar discussions regarding Darryl Hannah [back in the day]. I had women friends ask me why guys thought she was so “hot” – when a lot of women didn’t think she was pretty. [which is how I feel about Parker’s popularity among women]

    All I could tell them is that “pretty” and “attactive” are not the same thing.

    Parallax’s comment re: Heiress Hilton is a prime example. 🙂

  20. estacado says:

    “First, Alba is very pretty. There’s no doubt about it. However, she could use a sandwich now and again. Bodies of 10 year old boys tend NOT to turn me on.”

    Obviousely you haven’t seen her paparazzi bikini pics. Here, I give you, and other hot blooded guys 2 gelleies for you to ogle on. Warning: These pictures may induce an incurable obsession of her.



    If THAT body is a 10 year-old boy’s body, then I’m a paedophile.

  21. Incognito says:

    Gotta love it when people like James Hill come out of nowhere with the whole “It’s an insult” post.

    People want to see a picture of his wife/girlfriend because that person is supposedly more attractive than Garner. If you want to call her ugly, then justify beauty, otherwise you’re just one more complainer who doesn’t want to justify why you’re unhappy.

  22. Wizard of Odds says:

    The ladies who are complaining that Jennifer G is not attractive. … How about putting your picture out there? …

  23. wlkdswy says:

    Is it just me, or did it seem like ABC spent a lot of time promoting LOST this season and none on ALIAS. No wonder there ratings dropped, not to mention the fact that they keep switching which night it’s on. If they had put half as much into promoting ALIAS they would have twice the rating and a better fighting chance of lasting another season.

  24. garcia says:

    Jessica Alba, pretty
    Angelica Jolie, pretty
    Sarah Jessica Parker, small horse; very pleasant though
    Jennifer Garner, big horse, also annoying. Gay guys love her because she looks like a man, if you are a ‘straight man who likes her, come out of the closet buddy, I think you’re gay. (disclaimer:I have nothing against gay people)

  25. zxevil164 says:

    lUCUlk Cool, bro!


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