The VisionStation
Standard flat-screen applications can display a field of view (FOV) of no more than 60°. The Elumens VisionStation allows for a fully immersive display of 160°. The VisionStation’s ultra-wide FOV creates an amazing sense of space and depth, without need for goggles or glasses. The large size of the VisionStation screen (1.5 meters) also helps promote an excellent sense of immersive 3D.

Fasinating technology. And if this is still too small, they also have room-sized systems.

  1. Mike Voice says:

    They have been releasing some movies for Imax/OmniMax screens… now we just need a DVD-version to play on one of these screens.

    Heck, if you can afford one of these screens – you can probably afford to have the DVD made for you as well. 🙂

  2. Pat says:

    I showed my wife what I wanted for Christmas. Her peels of laughter are still ringing in my ears.

    I am reminded of Ray Bradbury’s book, Fahrenheit 451, where the Living Room walls were TV screens and the audience could join in the drama as an actor. Are we there yet?

  3. ranron says:

    The VisionStation looks like a satelite dish as a parabolic surface for a projector. If you go to VisionStation’s site, there is a picture with a woman and a gray-blank screen. That does not look like it is a screen, so that is why I concluded it is a satelite dish and projector system.

  4. afried says:

    Is that David Cross in the picture?!?

  5. MikeR says:

    Someone has finally found a use for those old “country-cable” satellite dishes that cluttered up the landscape. They get my vote for the Most Creative Recycling award.


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