By 1995 the two trades shows Networld and INterop had combined to beomce N+I. The show still exists. But the shows heyday was in 1998 and 1999 as the bubble grew. Back in 1995 the show was moribund by comparison. I don’t get to this show anymore. I think about going then conclude it’s too much of a hassle and skip it.

The IBM booth packing them in.

Every show has these gimmicky sit-downs. Check out the monitors here and compare to what you’d see today! How lame were we a mere decade ago?

  1. ParanoidAndroid says:

    I remember going to one of these myself. It was also my last. The reason? I went on September 11, 2001….

  2. Jim Dermitt says:

    We’re way advanced now with x-boxs and x-ray vision and x-p.
    Turn on your x-ray vision. Find the x-box!

  3. Awake says:

    Have things really changed that much? We still play driving games on a monitor, except that the monitor is bigger and the game is better… but we still pretend that we are driving.
    And we still save files in ‘folders’, we still use a mouse and a keyboard, we still type instead of speaking, exactly as they did ten years ago.
    There have been many technological advances in ten years (such as wireless, ultra fast CPU’s, sound), but much is still the same, and what we consider cutting edge today hopefully will look quaint and innocent ten years from now.

  4. mike cannali says:

    Yes, but is Adultdex (the x-rated section of Comdex that got segregated)still around?


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