– Beware new computer worm — For dummies only.

WASHINGTON — It’s being called the worst computer worm of the year: a fast-spreading Internet threat that looks like an official email from the CIA or FBI but can leave your computer wide open to intruders.

The bogus email claims the U.S. government has discovered you visiting “illegal” websites and asks you to open an attachment to answer some official questions. If you do, your computer gets infected with malware that can disable security and firewall programs and blast out similar emails to contacts in your address book.

  1. Andrew says:

    Wow this is such old news. I got this email at least five months ago.

  2. Brenden says:

    This is a virus not a worm. A worm is able to spread without you opening anything. A virus requires you to open an infected program. The MS Blaster worm is a good example. Unpatched systems that are vulnerable can receive the worm simply by connecting the computer to the internet. No user action is necessary.


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