NBC11.com – Image Gallery – Believers Say Virgin Mary Statue Weeps Blood — This should draw a crowd. I believe it’s a tear for Terrell Owens losing in arbitration. Why not?

Hundreds of people are coming to see the statue for themselves. Many say it’s a sign from God.

The Archdiocese of Sacramento has been asked to investigate.

found by Paul Saffo

  1. gquaglia says:

    I’m sure it some type to scam to screw with hopelessly gulable.

  2. Beeblebrox says:

    And scientologists are the crazy ones?

  3. Jack says:

    I would personally say that it was the paint that has been used for the eyes has started to drip….

  4. themaxx.ca says:

    God must be bored if he makes concrete statue cry blood… I mean.. c’mon!

  5. Rob Barac says:

    Why Oh Why couldn’t she be weeping bourbon?

  6. Sounds the Alarm says:


  7. Angel H. Wong says:

    Amen! Cheap make up can have that effect, not that I use it or anything you know…

  8. Hal Jordan says:

    If the statue wept tears of gold, I might take it as divine intervention. Heck, I’d even settle for tears of black gold.

  9. ranron says:


  10. Gina says:

    The Bible does state that the stones will cry out. Whether this is true or not we don’t know yet but, when God is involved anything is possible. I personally question it but, I will reserve my opinion until later.

  11. Cristen says:

    Every girl needs waterproof mascara!

  12. MIZIKE says:

    You jiziggas dont even knw how to bust a gizun!

  13. Nerris says:

    It could be a sign. If not done by humans, this is the devil’s work

  14. Liz says:

    Well…as the old saying goes…Truth IS stranger than fiction. I’m not saying that, indeed, what’s pouring from the statue’s eye is real blood activated by the hand of God….but if God does exist (and I happen to believe that He does)….well, God He’s probably be all-powerful, right?….if He existed, that is….soooooo, if He had the power and He had the desire, He would be able to make blood flow from a statue eye…as whacky as that sounds!

    Somewhere in the Bible, God is quoted as saying “My ways are not your ways”….and somewhere else there’s a passage that says that God uses foolish things to confound the wise of this world…(sorry, that I don’t know where any of these passages are in Scripture)

    BUT all I can say is this story is a heck of alot more interesting (to me, anyway) than the usual TV news holiday dribble…scene after scene of electronic toy shortages that have folks lined up en masse with their credit cards…or watching commercials where people out there (just like us!) are receiving keys to brand-new Lexus convertables as Christmas gifts from their handsome-as-hell and beloved spouses (whom they never fight with, by the way)….all delivered by our local newscasters with their upbeat and forced-fed cheerfulness.

    As for the coverage of the weeping statue…well, I rather enjoy seeing those somewhat plain folks, their reverent faces lit up by candlelight, as they gaze at the lovely face of this weeping statue who looks as sad as we all sometimes feel…many of us esp. at Holidays…all the running around, all the expectations….and, for many…a crushing lonliness. In fact, the expression on this statue’s face reminds me of the sadness that always seems to be on the face of one of my co-workers who lost a daughter three years ago…hmmm…I wonder if I’ll head out to the mall next wkend for another round of glitter shopping or if I’ll have the courage, instead, to perhaps pay a call on her…even if she starts crying over her baby and it makes me feel uncomfortable….why not just do the usual and get on over to the the closest 20 acre parking lot I can find…you know, the one filled with factory outlets and cheerful piped-in music? After all, wouldn’t that be more “fun”?

    Yes, I’m one of the blessed ones. Ahough I’ll receive no high-priced electronics or cars as gifts, I will get to fly R.T. to Calif. in Dec. to visit my parents, brothers and sisters and friends…lucky me!

    I’ll close with some lyrics of a great Bob Dylan song…tho some might consider it sacreligious…..it goes something like this….”God said to Abraham, kill me a son…Abe said God, you must be puttin’ me on…God said NO!…Abe said, what?…God said, you can do what you want, Abe, BUT…the next time you see me comin’ you’d better run!”

  15. I can say I do wander about the statue and I have heard but not read myself about the statues crying out. I believe this is a sign from God and he is warning us about the end. He is telling us all that we have a chance to realize that he is coming back and will be taking his children home. I admit I havent been going to church every time, but I am a strong believer in christ. I have also sinned, and I just hope that he forgives me. I love my religion and if I had time I would go guard that statue myself and wipe the tears and if I saw it happen myself without anyone being around it, I myself would do anything I had too. I hope many of you take this as a reason to believe in God if you dont. It isnt something to joke about or play around with. Makeup jokes and stuff. What if you had been the only person to witness that, would you want it to make you look like you did it, if it was real to make you look stupid. I plan on going to church wednesday and I will get oppinions of others. Myself I believe it and I know God has a reason if he is doing it. Maybe he made the statue cry blook to represent the bloodshed because of the war. Now if any of you want to comment back on this subject email me direct to Dannypritchett01@charter.net with the subject Crying Statue and I will know what its about. Thanks for your time…

  16. Joe Example says:

    Considering that it’s Nov. 23 when this happened, and that it’s Dallas, I believe Mary is crying for the still unsolved murder of one of her sons, JFK. Pope John XXIII, in his memoirs, writes that he had a vision of the Blessed Virgin Mary crying and being very sad that “one of her sons” will be killed in Dallas. That week, in 1963, JFK, the only Catholic president of the US, was gunned down.

  17. DS says:

    i believe and i believe anything is possible with God. People don’t understand the unexplainable . i believe God is warning us.

  18. Rafael V. says:

    This is not the first time in history that a statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary wept human tears and tears of blood. It happened before from 1973-81 in Akita, Japan where a statue of Our Lady wept human tears for 101 times. It was declared to be of supernatural origin by the Catholic Church in 1984. In 1985 to 1991, another statue of the Virgin wept ordinary tears and tears of blood belonging to a Korean housewife, Julia Kim who also receives apparitions and messages from Our Lady. More recently in 1992, a statue of the Virgin of Medjugorje wept tears of blood in Civitavecchia, Italy in the presence of the local bishop. He later declared in 2004 that the lachrymations are genuine.

    These manifestations are possible but we leave it to Church authorities to discern their authenticity. I believe this may be a call from God and Our Lady for people to repent from their sins.

    The Virgin Mary allegedly said in Medjugorje, Bosnia-Hercegovina in 1982, “I will appear in each home if it’s necessary, in order for people to convert.”

  19. Amy says:

    In answer to comment #14, Luke 19:37-40 “As He was now drawing near, at the descent of the Mount of Olives, the whole multitude of the disciples began to rejoice and praise God with a loud voice for all the mighty works hat they had seen, saying “Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord! Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!” And some of the Pharisees in the multitude said to him, “Teacher, rebuke your disciples.” He answered, “I tell you, if these were silent, the very stones would cry out.” I guess the disciples are quiet, no one is reading the Bible anymore! Also to further give you credit for knowing more than the rest of us about your Bible Isaiah 55:8-9 “….For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, says the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher that your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts…” Then the Letters to the Corinthians says it all in 1 Corinthians 1:20-31 “Where is the wise man? Where is the scribe? Where is the debater of this age? Has not God made the foolish the wisdom of the world? For since, in the wisdom of God, the world did not know God through wisdom, it pleased God through the folly of whag we preach to save those who believe. for Jews demand signs and Greeks seek wisdom, but we preach Christ crucified, a stumbling block to Jews and folly to Gentiles, but to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. For the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men. For consider your call, brethren; not many of you were wise according to worldly standards, not many were powerful, not many were of noble birth; but God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise, God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong, God chose what is low and despised in the world, even things that are not, to bring in nothing things that are, so that no human being might boast in the presence of God, He is the source of your life in Christ Jesus, whom God made our wisdom, our righteousness and sanctification and redemption; therefore, as it is written, “Let him who boasts, boast of the Lord.” What point am I making in your point? Those who laugh, hoax or not, are really the weak in their efforts to prove themselves stronger and wiser than God. Who knows why he would allow the hoax to occur or continue, but since he is the wiser, we only further to prove ourselves the weaker. Maybe we should boast of God rather than of wisdom to know a hoax when we see one, or think we see one!

    I am someone who has viewed the statue and, yes, I am uncertain and, yes, I am confused but, based on your comments and heartfelt beliefs, I am going to stop letting people, even my husband, keep me from having belief in my faith and possible miracles. I will continue to blindly accept what I believe is a sign, even at the possibility of a hoax or not. Let all of the masses find me to be “gullible” but, I believe in Christ and God and I know that I believe in the “tears of sorrow” Mother Mary herself feels due to our world being in such a poor state of affairs and that the end of times truly is coming. Foolish me!

  20. Liz says:

    Amy, (post # 19) I truly enjoyed your posting about the statue…gosh, so you got to see it…that’s great!

    I’m glad my posting (#14) helped you in some way….yours certainly enlightened me. Thanks for the exact passages that you quoted from the Bible. I’m kind of lazy when it comes to Bible reading, but I seem to remember snippets of it from my late teens when I lived with my grandmother and heard alot from her. Perhaps this would be a good time to dive back into it.

    It is often hard just to be “ourselves” around folks who are non-believers or who belittle our faith (in my case, it’s truly as tiny as a mustard seed, but it’s there)….but I’m glad that I don’t try to hide it any more. I used to have a boyfriend who was a RABID Christian…let me tell ya!…and he regularly drove everyone, incl. me, nuts…because he couldn’t stop ranting and raving about God! It was really quite bothersome, so I totally understand why many folks avoid the subject at all.

    But you and I….and prob. millions of other believers…KNOW that when we’re alone…and so often struggling with unpleasant emotions or heavy burdens….that we do receive comfort…genuine comfort from God…usually not instantly…but we do ask and we do receive. Many folks think we’re nuts…but that’s OK with me…I don’t cram any doctrine down anyone’s throat because I wouldn’t want it crammed down mine. But I’m glad you feel like you don’t want to deny your faith just to keep the peace or avoid criticism. About ten years ago, when I’d be reading the Bible while babysitting, I’d throw it into my purse real quickly when I’d hear my employers coming thru the door. I was embarrassed that they’d see me….yes, I’m still too affected by what others think…but your post has helped me with that. Thanks! P.S. As for the quote of the stones crying out…I’d love to take credit for it, but another writer about three posts before mine wrote that one.

  21. Brenda says:

    Yes! Through Christ all things are possible.

  22. Teresa says:

    If this weeping statue saves just ONE person then it was worth it. And shame on anyone who makes fun or robs anyone of the hope and comfort it brings to just ONE person.

  23. john says:

    wow i really dont know what to believe about the statue at this point becuase i mean there are other statues that have bin able to cry blood just cuase of the way that they were made. and noone can really tell if it was made like that or not becuase they wont let none go near it right now im thinking it could be a possible sign from god but that could be really rare becuase i mean he dosent usually randomly do stuff like that.

  24. Peter says:

    It is an unfortunate thing when man begins to put faith in Man over faith in God. Like my father, he looks to the Catholic church’s teachings as the authority above God’s Word. It is the other way around!! Now the church is rethinking its posture on Limbo and where babies go if they die. Isn’t this obviously being driven by man? Believers should make God’s Word, the bible, their ultimate authority.

    Satan has been very busy since Jesus lived and died on the cross. The latest example is the statue of Mother Mary crying tears of blood in California this past week. I have no doubt that when the tears are tested they will truly be comprised of human blood. Do doubt, a true miracle…but not of God.

    What does Satan want but to take our eyes off of Christ’s sacrifice and put it on ANYTHING ELSE. Jesus said that Satan will come as a an “angel of light” and deceive many. Hence we have pilgrims frequenting the site of the statue and praying to a man made idol. Yet the Lord said “I am the truth and the light. No one comes to the Father except through me.” His diversions are crafty and many are being deceived. God doesn’t play games like this.

  25. Ann Marie says:

    I read somewhere that someone asked why the statue of Mary was crying. I have an idea or two. Maybe she is crying because her children are all divided by religion. I thought the human race was supposed to be one with God. Maybe she is crying because we don’t care about our own children anymore. Money comes before values now. The music industry puts lyrics in their songs about violence, permisscuis sex and total disrespect for humanity. But they make a lot of money. The movie industry uses the “F” word more than any other. On TV, you see people jumping in and out of bed with each other. No commitment there. And then, we’ll hear each other say, “The kids today have no respect. HA, look around and see what our kids are watching …. all in the name of freedom of speech. I’m sure our forefathers would be turning in their graves at that excuse to make millions of dollars. Let’s not forget about abortion and stem cell research. This world is a moral mess…Yes, I think I know why she’s crying.

  26. debbie hanley says:

    I think it’s a sign directed toward President Bush. He needs to stop the bloodshed that is occurring on a daily basis in Iraq and send our troops home where they belong. Think about it , this miracle is happening in the United States this time. I hope and pray that he is aware of this miraculous event and it changes his way of thinking. The longer we stay in Iraq the more bloodshed there will be. It’s time to leave.

  27. wang chung says:

    its a hoax u morons

  28. christina says:

    i think she is crying for all the poor sinners who have no one to pray and cry for them.

  29. tzee Ky says:

    It is a sign of awarful thing will be happened. I believe.

  30. Mike says:

    U people are messed up….Why is it everytime something like this happens that you idiots dont understand you jump to assume thins is a hoax. Think about it people. God’s America is dying because noboldy believes anymore. YOU GUYS ARE THE MORONS


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