More than 13 months after the last post-holder quit in frustration, the Bush administration still has not been able to find a suitable candidate to lead the efforts of the Department of Homeland Security to protect the nation’s computer and telecommunications networks.

Although at least four applicants have met with Deputy Homeland Security Secretary Michael Jackson, an administration official told United Press International on condition of anonymity that none of them were still being considered for the post.

“No one is really in the running at the moment,” the official said.

“The department does not have a very good reputation as an employer,” Rep. Zoe Lofgren, D-Calif., told United Press International when asked why finding a suitable candidate had been so difficult. “It has a terrible reputation in Silicon Valley.”

So, why not hire someone who already has a terrible reputation?

  1. RTaylor says:

    Like a government agency could move fast enough to protect it anyway. They couldn’t get a truck of bottled water 200 miles after a Hurricane.

  2. Ima Fish says:

    I find this shocking. If this is true, that means that W. has completely run out of drinking buddies to give token jobs to!

  3. “So, why not hire someone who already has a terrible reputation?” Because most people with terrible reps do not want to make them worse.
    – The Precision Blogger

  4. Improbus says:

    Why not hire Darl McBride, the guy that runs SCO? He is evil, corrupt and self aggrandizing. It would seem to be a perfect fit for the Bush administration.

  5. JoeC says:

    Now that he’s no longer involved with FEMA, Michael Brown is available. He has to know at least as much about cybersecurity as he did about emergency management.

  6. Obviousman says:

    What does it take to get people to realize that this guy must be impeached? Bush is a threat to the USA. If Clinton had tried half this nonsense, he’d have been sent to Gitmo.

  7. BOB G says:

    Your right obviousman “cheany for prez”

  8. Pat says:

    McBride gets my vote !!!

  9. mike cannali says:

    Be kind to Bush. He has hired more African-Americans, Hispanics, and other minorities to his cabinet than any other President. He even has someone who is mentally handicapped in the top spot.

  10. John Wofford says:

    I’ll take the job! Got to be big bucks in it, and if they ever discover that I don’t really qualify (Qualify? Why?) it’ll take’em a while to actually get me out the door. Be a good deal for a short gig and hey, you never know, it might turn into something good; like maybe a book about my government service. And the retirement benefits are cool, or so they say. Yeah, I’ll take the job.

  11. Eideard says:

    No one ever noticed the naked statues were guarding — a bush!


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