The Toilet Bowl – COLLEGE FOOTBALL- 2005-06 Bowl Projections — Idiotic list of ridiculous bowl games. Student athletes should be paid cash money for doing these games. It keeps them out of class for no good reason and puts money in someone else’s pockets. Just look at some of these lesser bowls. The Vitalis Bowl? The Gaylord Hotels Bowl? Puh-leeze.

  1. Don says:

    The bowl games are one thing, the sponsorships are another. The Chick-Fil-A Peach Bowl. It is to laugh. How about the Dvorak Uncensored Bowl? We’ll get all the posters together in some vacant lot and drink beer and hurl insults at one another!

  2. Eideard says:

    As someone who’s spent over two decades trying to refrain from flaming some of the dolts who inhabit cyberspace. I have to compliment the DU Army. Excepting the rare encyclopedic post and equally scarce raw obscenity hurled in anger — most of the moderating performed by staff is concerned with deleting garbage. John Gets No Spam; but, DU does.

    More often than not, the only posts I personally edit — are mine.

  3. Mister Mustard says:

    Good thing the Chik-Fil-A bowl is on Dec. 30. If it were on New Year’s Day, that would be a Sunday, and they probably would pull the sponsorship.

  4. Brenda Helverson says:

    The Vitalis Sun Bowl? I lived in El Paso for 5 years and it is already greasy enough.

  5. Thomas says:

    *cough* *cough* Playoff *cough* *cough*

  6. Ima Fish says:

    They have so many god-damn bowl games, why not have the Loser Bowl. Where the worst two college teams play against each other. The loser gets the trophy. Who wouldn’t watch that, it’d be hilarious!

  7. mike cannali says:

    How about the Microsoft bowl:
    1. It will be announced for the fall, but won’t actually occur until spring
    2. Periodically all the players will freeze solid on the field and the game restarted from the beginning.
    3. No security will be provided; others may give you viruses and/or may spy on you. It costs money to cry for help.
    4. Your seat may be taken by someone assuming your identity
    5. Ticket prices will be 5 times what they should be
    6. You may not move to any other sports event from this one – but you can easily move from any other event to the MS Bowl.
    7. You may upgrade, but the seat must be equal or better to the one you had last year. You cannot move to a lesser seat once you have attended any MS bowl.
    8. You don’t actually own the ticket, just the right to possess it
    9. After 15 minutes, you must verify your presence and identity to continue to attend.
    10. Once you learn the rules for one MS Bowl, they will be changed and you must learn new ones all over again.

  8. Topmounter says:

    Great, JCD’s turd.

    Playoff, playoff, playoff.


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