The US has been declared the top gaming nation at the World Cyber Games.

America’s 16 players won two gold medals and one silver to top the national rankings at the gaming event.

Coming in second was South Korea and third Brazil. Britain could only manage joint 18th position as players struggled to cope with the strength of skills on display.

Singapore, this year. Monza, next year.

  1. Ima Canuck says:

    Congratulations. At least you can do one thing well.

  2. Ima Fish says:

    Ima, I’m offended. We in the US are number one in any number of things.

    We’re number one in in/outsourcing. We’re number one is starting wars for no apparent reason. We’re number one in obesity. We’re number one in radical Christianity. We’re number one in having uninhabitable cities. We’re number one in rudeness. We’re number one in arrogance. I could go on and on, but I think you got the point.

  3. James Hill says:

    Don’t forget number one in tournaments no one gives a damn about.

  4. Teyecoon says:

    Yep, America under Bush & Cheney is at the “end of the line” but they just have us turn around and face the other direction so that we feel like we are out front. To them, perception is much more important than reality!


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