New Scientist Technology – Can Earth’s seismic radio help predict quakes? — Interesting news.

Quakes’ telltale radio signals were first rumbled almost 20 years ago, following an accidental discovery by Anthony Fraser-Smith of the Space, Telecommunications and Radioscience (STAR) Laboratory at Stanford University in California. During the Loma Prieta earthquake that hit the San Francisco area in October 1989, Fraser-Smith was monitoring electromagnetic noise at frequencies up to 10 hertz. He noticed the electromagnetic noise increased almost 20-fold for two weeks before the earthquake – and continued at that level about a month afterwards. It peaked 3 hours before the quake, between 0.01 and 0.5 hertz.

Since then, others have tried to make similar measurements in seismically active regions. Groups in Japan and Russia have observed similar signals to Fraser-Smith’s, but for up to one or two months before a quake. Could this be the long-sought early warning of seismic catastrophe?

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  1. Brenda Helverson says:

    If you want to listen, here’s a link to an ELF radio at NASA-Huntsville:


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