Contriubuting Editor Ed Campbell posts a crackpot Chinese character post for the ABC show Desperate Housewives and this Google adsense ad shows up on the blog…geez.

cropped screen capture:

  1. Half the time I end up with Japanese google ads on my blog for some reason. I have no idea what content I have that causes it. It goes away after a while.

    I click on the ads to see what they are for but unfortunately my Japanese is not up to scratch.

  2. Toronox says:


    In Roman legend, who was the one that pulled out the torn from the Lion?

    And the fine print below:

    Public service advertisement provided by Google.

  3. Jon says:

    Most likely the webpage is not encoded correctly and Google thought it was GB coded and just displayed some relavant ad…

  4. Rob Barac says:

    Regardless of the content on my web pages, 50% of my google ads are about downhill mountain biking or mountain bikes…. wtf?

    Check it out for yourself ( it’s killing me. No wonder my click throughs suck butt.

  5. cheesetoe says:

    Google banned my adsense account because my friends clicked on too many of my ads. If I had Japanese ads would my friends have clicked them?


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