Apple Could Unveil Intel-Based Mac Mini In January – — This should be interesting. There is no reason to wait forever on this.

The analyst said Apple would introduce more video content and digital entertainment offerings at Macworld in January, helping to drive shares. Checks also indicate that the company may be ready to launch lower-end Intel (nasdaq: INTC – news – people )-based Macs earlier than its original June 2006 target, with the possibility of an Intel-based Mac Mini at Macworld.

found by Ima Fish

  1. Ima Fish says:

    My guess is that Apple will allow us to pre-order these machines just in time for the holiday season.

    Btw, this applies to Apple’s iBook laptops too.

  2. Incognito says:

    Nice picture.


  3. gquaglia says:

    I can’t wait

  4. RTaylor says:

    They needed to release them. Many customers are holding out for the Intel units.

  5. Ima Fish says:

    RTaylor, you’re exactly right!

    I also think it’s pretty smart on Apple’s part on making the switch first on the lower powered Mini and iBook. While tests have shown that OSX runs pretty well on the new intel platform, most apps do not. Obviously if you buy an expensive new high-end desktop you’re going to expect a lot more speed than if you buy a lowly Mini.

    By the time the speed of the apps are up to snuff, the higher priced models will be released.


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