作者:傅庆萱;柳青 日期:2005.11.15 版次:9

原汁原味播出“艾美奖”大热门 《绝望的主妇》下月进央视
■记者傅庆萱 柳青 报道
本报讯 备受关注的“艾美奖”大热门——美国电视剧《绝望的主妇》已敲定在中国的播出时间,记者日前从央视国际部获悉,该剧计划12月中旬起在央视八套《海外剧场》开播。

I think you’ll find the English version.

  1. Eideard says:

    Joe — I apologize for losing your comments. I reposted this after you had commented.

  2. kai says:

    what heck is this, i thought i clicked the wrong thing at first. about this post i don’t agree with the translation of the title. 绝望 means hopeless, despair, i don’t think the housewifives are gonna give up and go home or kill themselves soon. a better word should be 危急的, 不顾一切的, but then again i don’t think there is a exact translation for desperate. correct me if im wrong. the describtion in chinese is that the show has strong continuity. where is the dark satire, and sex??
    please john time to come back to twit

  3. NumLock says:

    Color me confused.

  4. passerby says:

    绝望 is fine I think, 危急的 (Urgent Housewives in Danger??) or 不顾一切 (Desperate Reckless Housewives??) … sorry kai … i could not resist …

    Thanks for the chinese post, and I’m glad the chinese can enjoy this quality show.

  5. Mike Voice says:

    Too bad my PC at work only displays little boxes instead of the Chinese characters.

    I’ll have to take another look at this, from my Mac at home.


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