Praying for the End of the World — the Rapture

The Seoul Times — There are now some who assert that so-called Christian Zionists,, also referred to as Premillennialists are guiding US foreing policy in the middle East. This is done so they can be in place when the world comes to an end. Bush is trying to make that happen ASAP. Being in Iraq is part of this scheme.

Hey…just send all the nukes up tomorrow — that should do the trick.

Israel’s creation in 1948 and the Six-Day War of 1967 — in which Israel captured all of Jerusalem, the West Bank, and Gaza– galvanized premillennialists to believe the Last Days had begun. Mr. Lindsey’s book, the nonfiction bestseller of the 1970s, popularized premillennialist teachings for millions of Americans and put Israel right at the center, says Donald Wagner, professor of religion and Middle East studies at North Park University in Chicago. Lindsey started a consultant business, Dr. Wagner says, which involved sessions with the Pentagon, CIA, Israeli generals, and the US Congress.

related link:
More nutty religious crackpots hoping for the end of the world

  1. Ima Fish says:

    Let’s first accept that the second coming will occur. Giving that, what do these nutballs hope to achieve? Do they think God needs help? Do they think God is acting too slow? I just cannot for the life of me understand what their goal is.

  2. RTaylor says:

    The most foolish assumption Marx and Lenin made was that people could do without religion. The Intelligentsia has always had to work around the Christian church, and all the religions the exists with and predates it. This conflict dates to pre-History. The average human brain can’t accept death as an end. That’s the price of sentience.

  3. Ima Fish says:

    “The most foolish assumption Marx and Lenin made was that people could do without religion.”

    In Europe, Japan, Australia believers are in an every declining minority. I think the foolish assumption Marx and Lenin made was that people could be FORCED to do without religion. Give an education to people and they can make the choice on their own. Put a gun to their head, and they’ll refuse.

  4. JG says:

    Hey… at least in this, hard-core Christians and Jews actually AGREE about something!!

    What about those pesky Muslims, though? What do they think about all this? Perhaps we could forget all about their behavior, if they would just come out and say they’re on our side…

    (life is complicated)


  5. SignOfZeta says:

    Don’t fall for the hype. Bush, and other rich-ass right wingers only cater to the religious right for the votes, and the power. GWB is a much of an athiest as Saddam Hussein. They both only play the religion card when it gains them support.

  6. GregAllen says:

    Just a point of clarification:

    >>so-called Christian Zionists,, also referred to as Premillennialists

    These represent two different issues and schools of doctrine. Most Christian Zionists would be premillenialists but not visa versa.

    It’s something like saying “Church of Jesus Christ-Christian, also referred to as Protestants”. (That’s a white supremacist church BTW.)

  7. estacado says:

    Muslims believe Jesus (peace be upon him) will come back, but the difference is that he won’t he won’t be preaching Christianity, he will bring the word of Islam. Most Cristians don’t realize how similair the beliefs of Christians and Muslims about these things. We believe that the Anti-christ will appear, we call it the Dajjal.


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