Best Ever?
Out To Launch from — An interesting historical comparison of all the game consoles (well, except for the Atari stuff and a few very obscure systems). The best ever? The Dreamcast. I’m in full agreement. It’s baffling why it was suddenly discontinued when it was.
Less than two weeks to go until the 360 launches and Microsoft’s still being a little coy about what, exactly, will be available day one. Yet there’s little denying that the system’s launch library (the liberal definition of launch, which lets it encompass a few months) looks pretty solid. So how does the 360 stack up to other console launches? We look back at 20 years of major console launches to see just how the games and hype Microsoft has in store for its second-generation console compares to the great launches of the past. (And the lousy ones, too.)
I love my Dreamcast. I still play Unreal Tournament, Quake3 Arena, and Jet Grind Radio among others. It’s small and quiet (unlike the massive and loud Xbox), the games look great, and you can buy them and peripherals dirt cheap on eBay. I agree, it was pulled prematurely.
I still love my Dreamcast. Much more so than my X-box and PS2 that collect dust. Why this system didn’t succeed is a great mystery, just like OS/2.
You’re so right about the DreamCast!!
Dreamcast was a good system. I’ve played it as recently as a year ago before I finally gave it up since I was putting so much time into it.
Dreamcast is the best console ever!!
Shenmue, Jet Set Radio, Skies of Arcadia, Power Stone, Soul Calibur, Chuchu Rocket, Sonic Adventure 1 …. Damn, mine broke a couple years ago :'(
So sad… but life must go on and a console isn’t one’s life ^_^
Forgot to clarify!!
Dreamcast is the best __new-school__ console ever, ‘case the best __old-school__ console ever is MegaDrive (aka Genesis).
It was too easy to copy Dreamcast games. Dreamcast users killed the goose that laid the golden egg.
You know who agrees with you? Microsoft. The guy behind the Dreamcast at Sega is now the guy behind the X-Box 360 at M$.
On YTMND, my prefered source for news, there is a great comparisant between the Dreamcast and the X360.
Where’s Jaguar?