Whoa! We can’t have people
drinking this evil liquid.

This is so hilarious. Now the Baptists are getting choosy about which water is morally superior.

From The Baptist Standard: The Texas Baptist Newsjournal

Southern Baptist disaster-relief leaders have denied reports–spread widely across the Internet–that a group of their volunteers in Florida refused to give water to victims of Hurricane Wilma because it came from a beer-brewing company.

The story was quickly picked up by several Internet weblogs, prompting criticism of Southern Baptists. But the Alabama Baptist newspaper reported the television station’s story wasn’t entirely accurate.

Tim Bridges, pastor of the Clewiston church, said the Anheuser-Busch logo–an eagle inside a capital “A”–was offensive to him and some church members. “I didn’t want to send out a mixed message,” he said, the Alabama Baptist newspaper reported.

“All that was said was that First Baptist Church people would not be the ones handing it out,” he explained. “We didn’t refuse the water. Others were giving it out. We were handing out (SBC-supplied) water hand over fist.”

Red Cross volunteers, who were working the site with Baptist volunteers, apparently distributed the Busch water. And, the pastor added, Baptist volunteers would have done the same if they had run out of other water.

  1. Angel H. Wong says:

    Me thinks that they’re just doing it like Madonna (Aka Esther in he kabbalah circles) who only drinks Kabbalah water blessed by rabbis and just because of that is superior water.

  2. Stan says:

    I have plenty of issues with the SBC but this is not one of them. They were there onsite volunteering. I see no difference here than if there was a tobacco logo on each one? It did not disrupt relief efforts one bit.
    Now whether the SBC should have issues with alcoholic beverages is a different argument but I do applaud generous actions as opposed to the normal divisive rhetoric we usually get from groups like this.

  3. mike cannali says:

    refering to the earlier article on the unfortunate electrocution of the baptist minister – perhaps one should test the condutivity of the more evil variety of water.

  4. GregAllen says:

    It’s not a holy water, evil water issue. It’s an association issue. They don’t want to be associated with a beer company.

    We have the same problem in this part of the world with Jewish products. If you want to beat the competition, you just spread a rumor that Jews like the other guys product. Sales will drop off!

    By the way, do you know what “PEPSI” stands for?
    “PEnny Paid Saves Israel.”

    And I could get jailed for telling you what the “Coca Cola” label says when you read it backwards through the bottle!

  5. GregAllen says:

    Where can I get a six pack of that water? It would look good next to my six packs of Billy Beer and New Cokes.


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