mediabistro: GalleyCat — I saw this coming a mile away.

I was pleasantly surprised last week by the announcement of a book deal for Bobby Henderson, the founder of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, the centerpiece of an alternative “intelligent design” theory which, he petitioned the Kansas Board of Education, deserved equal time in classrooms: “one third time for Intelligent Design, one third time for Flying Spaghetti Monsterism, and one third time for logical conjecture based on overwhelming observable evidence.”

related link:
Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster Homepage

  1. Lance Baldwin says:

    Anyone care to remind me what the test for macroevolution or the Big Bang is? There is plenty of facts about prehuman existence, but layers of fossils and outward moving universe can be explained multiple ways. Microevolution is accepted even by us religious extremistfundamentalistpsychopathicmorons, but even I don’t know why people call macro and bigbang “testable” or “scientific” or “school-teachable.” I know tthat there has to be a reason to claim those two besides their secular nature. Please enlighten me to this, as the fact is I have never read or thought of the evidence as to why macro and bigbang are true and exclusively so.

    Not trying to start a heated conversation and appreciating your responses,

  2. Rob Barac says:

    Anyone see the announcement by the catholic church about “semi-intelligent designers”?

    The original article came from

    Maybe after we replace science with religion, and then replace rhetoric with dogma the terrorists will have finally won.

  3. Milo says:

    Lance I agree! I also think that we ought to seriously look at these other macro scientific frauds. Of course I believe in microbiology but that doesn’t mean there’s any evidence for macro biology. I could come up with hundreds of other explanations as to why I’m alive!

  4. Miguel Lopes says:

    I guess causing one Dark Age was enough for them…

  5. meetsy says:

    Geez, what about NON-intelligent design?
    It would make more sense to me. We’re just one big “whoops”. A sorry oversight. An unintentional side affect. Basically, a cosmic one-night stand. An ill conceived, alcohol aided fling with a really cheap hooker with a good game plan.
    Yeah, yeah, I like the spaghetti monster, but I don’t think it’s far-fetched or creative enough.

  6. Yo Mama says:

    jeeeeeeezzzz how can u guys b so stupid to mock something that is so real


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