He’s still got his thumbs… for now….

The mayor of Las Vegas has suggested that people who deface freeways with graffiti should have their thumbs cut off on television.

“In the old days in France, they had beheadings of people who commit heinous crimes,” Mayor Oscar Goodman said Wednesday on the TV show “Nevada Newsmakers.”

Goodman said the city has a beautiful highway landscaping project and “these punks come along and deface it.”

“I’m saying maybe you put them on TV and cut off a thumb,” the mayor said. “That may be the right thing to do.”

I always get amused by the outcry from these stories. People who vocally vent their frustrations are always cast as more dangerous than those who do not. I think it’s probably the other way round most of the time. Be more afraid of those who seem never to utter a controversial word. That would include most modern-day politicians of rank.

I had best luck watching the video here

  1. Maxx says:

    I’ve read about that a little earlier. I mean, it’s not as he’s going to push a new law for chopping thumbs of vandals! He was upset, complained like we all do, and someone reported it. No news here people!

  2. John L says:

    The mayor of Vegas is basically the head of the mob.

    For example, there was a signal in vegas that was dangerous that goodman refused to have restructured for years. People died and got in accidents there for years, no change. Suddenly his wife ends up the victim of an accident on that very point in question.

    Within days they changed that site around.

    And that’s a nice story about him.

    If any mayor could push this through, he could.

  3. Pat says:

    Much ado about nothing. Just someone venting about something dear to them. It is not as if he suggested teaching Unintelligent Design alongside Evolution.

  4. Luís Camacho says:

    …I like graffiti…

  5. Dave Drews says:

    I live in Vegas and this is nothing new. Goodman is a loud, outspoken guy who has no fear of saying what he thinks despite being a politician. Sure, there are more than a few political power moves behind the scenes with the guy, but I think he says outragous things because he knows it will get national press. More than anything else, Goodman wants to get publicity for Vegas and he knows how to do it. The city’s name got out there. So what if the story isn’t flattering. It’s Goodman and this is Sin City, after all. Whaddya expect?

  6. Laura says:

    The photo is hiliarious. If you don’t know why, see the episode “It May Look Like a Walnut.” of the DIck Van Dyke Show.

  7. bdgbill says:

    If this was a real proposal I would be the first to vote for it. Nothing brings a neighborhood down like graffitti.

  8. 0x1d3 says:

    I love the part at then end of the video

    Guy: So we would be more like Saudi Arabia
    Goodman: No in Saudi Arabia they get a trial first.

    Excelent find KB!

  9. AB CD says:

    They only need to cut off a few thumbs before people get the message.

  10. Max Sluiter says:

    Didn’t Pat Robertson “vent” a couple months ago? He was crucified too.

  11. James Hill says:

    I trust the mob’s management abilities much more than that of the government’s.

    James Hill

  12. meetsy says:

    why the thumb? To push the spray can button you need an index finger.


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