All the Whisker Lickins I want
for the rest of my life!

I applaud this concept. Blood relation is highly overrated. Who loves you, baby?

Elderly Bachelor Leaves His Fortune to His Cat

Ottawa – A lifelong bachelor who amassed a fortune by living simply left all his money to his cat after his death, The Ottawa Citizen reported onFriday.

David Harper, the shy and somewhat reclusive owner of Red the cat, died in March at the age of 79, but left an estate worth US$1,1-million to his beloved tabby.

The United Church of Canada will administer the funds, in accordance with Harper’s will, and be responsible for the three-year-old cat’s care, feeding and veterinarian bills for the rest of its life, the newspaper reported.

Harper worked most of his life as a gardener in public service.

If I find out that the church will inherit nothing from what is left over, I will give them a standing ovation for administering the funds.

  1. kzoodata says:

    The administrator should be entitled to something for their troubles, regardless of who it is. (The executor of my in-laws estate got a freekin car out of it, and I can’t really complain). People who think churches should do everything for free are out of their minds. Anyone who has to execute a will left exclusively for a cat probably has more of a job to do than if it had been left to a flesh and blood human being, who actually could use the money.

    The public gardener was irresponsible and possibly misanthropic. The money should have at least been left with a worthy institution directly. Then again, maybe this is what he meant to do. The Church of Canada WILL find a good use for it, and if it goes to funding their own charities, I APPLAUD THAT LOUDER.

  2. Angel H. Wong says:

    A pussy that got rich by simply rubbing itself against an old man… Isn’t that the Ana Nicole show again?

  3. meetsy says:

    I’ll bet the kitty has an “accident” within a year.

  4. Handymel says:

    As a current administrator of a estate I can tell you without a doubt the church will be paid for its time taking care of the tabby. If they are also the estates admin as well as the cats, they get to decide the disbursement of leftover funds once tabby passes on. I’d like to also point out the estate administrators and exectutors usually earn the money to, it isn’t a easy job and usually there is a nice line of outstretched and undeserving hads pawing for the deceased funds. Following through with someones final wishes and never an easy job and can make for some sleepless nights.

  5. rus says:

    I want to know how simple the gardener lived to have that amount of money and how much he saved/invested each pay period. That way it may help me adjust my savings so I don’t leave as much when/if I get to 79.

    That cat may live another 10 years or so unless…

  6. T.C. Moore says:

    This would make a great Disney 70s film, with the cat, Herbie the car, Dean Jones and Sandy Duncan. The cat and his cohorts are on the run. If the cat dies, the evil paedophile priests get the money (updated for the current Zeitgeist).


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