I know this is a little weird to post, but by accident I discovered that a piece of good quality mortadella left out in the refrigerator for about a week — so it dries up — makes an fantastic dog treat. It turns to a leather-like object that is hard and chewy. I drape a few pieces over some bottles and when they dry up they take the form shown in the picture above. Apparently there are enough nitrates in the stuff to prevent it from going bad. Dogs love it!!! Have the deli slice the mortadella thick.

  1. RTaylor says:

    Save yourself some $ and just dry out cheap bologna. I doubt they can tell the difference between Oscar Myers or expensive imports. 😉

  2. meetsy says:

    my dogs like to raid the kitty box…..

  3. Rance Bleester says:

    Can that thing grow?
    I think your weird baloney is really The Thing, Italian style.
    It talks too, doesn’t it?
    Looks like it’s trying to say “What the f **k ya do that to me for?”
    If you hear a strange rustling in the middle of the night, grab
    a giant ciabatta and jump the sucker.

  4. Jenna says:

    That is a good idea! I’ve been buying my dog treats on a website called http://www.bonesbakery.com and my dog LOVES them, but I’ll give the ol’ mortadella a try if I run out of treats!

  5. Alan Houser says:

    Wow. Remember those good old days, when dog treats looked like something? Speaking-of… I recently heard GREENIES have killed dogs. http://www.cnn.com/2006/US/02/14/dangerous.dogtreat/ Be afraid.


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