Mice can sing.

Humans can’t hear it, but researchers say the ultrasonic songs of male mice trying to woo females are comparable to the musical trills produced by songbirds.

That mice make noise is nothing new to those who have had them in their houses, and scientists have known for decades that male mice will make sounds when they are near females, or exposed to female pheromones. Now they say that those utterances are love songs.

First, the researchers let male mice sniff cotton swabs dipped in female mouse urine, which contains chemical compounds known as pheromones that can signal sexual status. Then the researchers recorded the reactions of the mice.

As expected, the males produced noises that were beyond the upper limit of human hearing. But when the researchers slowed the recordings to one-16th the normal speed, they heard calls that sounded like low, intermittent whistles. They also dropped the pitch to an audible level, and heard shrill chirps that sounded remarkably like bird songs.

“It was very surprising. The real moment of discovery came when I first wrote the software to transpose the songs into our hearing waves. I said, ‘My gosh, these things sound like songs,’ ” Dr. Holy said.

A computer analysis showed the sounds meet key definitions of songs, he said. There are distinct categories of sound, instead of just one note repeated over and over again. There are also recurring themes, such as the melodic hook in a catchy tune, he said.

I do hope our comments stay within the bounds of propriety.

  1. KB says:

    “I do hope our comments stay within the bounds of propriety.” -Eidard

    Now why would we want to start that trend? ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Ima Fish says:

    I agree with KB, I don’t see why we should change our ways now.

  3. Angel H. Wong says:

    That would explain why some butt ugly singers end up with tons of groupies don’t you think? ๐Ÿ˜‰

  4. Richard Mahler says:

    I guess the next stage is to determine if these little rodents all sing the same song or if there are levels of talent and individual style. Will just any old crooner do with the ladies, or are there the Pavorattis and Bon Jovis of the music scene? Is singing a competitive thing; do some fail miserably in the romance department; does a good voice reflect good genes?

    Maybe the next better “mouse trap” will be a sound jamming device that makes these little Romeos sound so bad that mouse family planning is fatally compromised!

  5. Daniel says:

    What if they up-converted Barry Manilow to see how the females react? Or Journey? They should run experiments comparing love songs of various decades, country vs. power ballad.

    Does he really write the songs that make the whole world sing? They should find out!

  6. Angel H. Wong says:

    Well, if you happen to stumble at a pet shop with a fat mouse that somehow tends to be irresistible to old cats you now know what happened to Elvis ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. stephen says:

    gee, come to think of it, i’ve always wondered what
    Barry Manilow sounded like, now i know ๐Ÿ˜‰

  8. meetsy says:

    ….wonder what they sing? Maybe you could lower it to our hearing range and market it as the **new** Menudo?


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