
People who endure the seasonal misery of pollen allergies may one day find relief in a bowl of rice, researchers reported Monday.

In experiments with mice, Japanese scientists found that an edible vaccine produced in genetically modified rice was able to prevent the immune response that triggers allergies. Mice that were fed the vaccine showed a dampened immune reaction to pollen, and they sneezed far less often than their non-vaccinated brethren.

Much research is now going toward so-called biopharmaceuticals, medicines and vaccines that are mass-produced using genetically modified plants. Earlier this year, scientists reported that a potato engineered to carry a hepatitis B vaccine seemed to work in the first group of human volunteers to dine on the spud.

Many scientists believe that engineering plants to produce therapeutic proteins will allow for a simpler, cheaper way to mass-produce and administer drugs and vaccines.

Which does not of course necessarily translate to lower costs for consumers. I have faith in our ability to continue to screw the consumer when it comes to health care costs.

Still, Takaiwa acknowledged the widespread public concern over genetically modified crops, and said that it will be “very important” to create systems that prevent pharmaceutical crops from accidentally contaminating those heading for the supermarket.

On the last point.. good luck!

  1. twdldee says:

    Why can’t they genetically engineer cherries to combat disease? Why does it always have to be something as bland as wheat or rice?

    Better yet, make pot able to combat disease -oh, wait! It already does

  2. RTaylor says:

    When I first glanced at the post I thought Condoleezza was being altered. Genetically modified super Republicans, what a nightmare!

  3. garym says:

    Uh…I don’t think pot combats disease, but, it has been shown to reduce the effects of certain cancers.

    I think you have a good point about the cherries though.

    And a GM Condoleeza…I’ll pass.

  4. Footy says:

    Erm i think you’ll find pot helps m.s and also can combat glaucoma (cant spell very well – too much hash!!!!!)


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