Chimpanzees are humankind’s closest cousins, and researchers love looking at them for clues to our behavior. But chimps may not play as nicely as people do, suggests an experiment led by UCLA anthropologist Joan Silk. Silk’s team ran two experiments on nine pairs of unrelated same-sex chimps. The chimps were familiar to one another but unrelated.

In the experiments, the chimps were given a chance to give themselves a food treat, and to also give the same treat to the other chimp sitting nearby in a clearly-visible cage. Or not.

In fact, the researchers report in the current issue of the journal Nature that the chimps pulled the lever to give a treat to their counterpart only about as often as they pulled that same lever when the cage opposite them was empty. In other words, they could care less about their pals.

Emory University researchers earlier this year reported that chimps do possess a sense of “fairness”, rejecting a lousy-tasting cucumber when they see another chimp getting a tasty grape, when both had performed the same task. But chimp fairness only goes so far, says Silk’s team. Chimps don’t seem to mind when they benefit and somebody else gets stiffed.

I never before Image Googled for “Chimp” and “Bush”. I got 531 hits. This was my favorite.

  1. Imafish says:

    “they could care less about their pals.”

    Well, that’s good news. It’d be depressing to think these animals could NOT care less.

  2. clockwork says:

    actually, bonobos are our closest cousin:

    they prefer matriarchal society where disputes are solved via sex rather than violence.

  3. Mike says:

    From TFA: “Chimps don’t seem to mind when they benefit and somebody else gets stiffed.”

    Sounds quite a bit like humans to me.

  4. pendrake says:

    Where do you get these pictures? Great!

  5. RTaylor says:

    If chimps could post, they would flame this site over those paired pics. You may still catch it from PETA. 😉

  6. gquaglia says:

    Once again a non politics related post has been turned into a Bush bash, you people have issues. I’m sure John “Herman Munster”, “fip flopper”, “windsock” Kerry would have been a much better choice.

  7. Eideard says:

    The real world isn’t divided solely into Republikans and non-Republikans.

  8. RT says:

    ” I’m sure John “Herman Munster”, “fip flopper”, “windsock” Kerry would have been a much better choice. ”
    -I disagree gquaglia… Bush really does look more like a chimp. And if you are adding character traits, please don’t forget to add well-spoken, capable of exemplifying many multiple intelligences and intrinsic reflection, common sense, and worldly to Kerry – and I guess as well as stiff and board-like. I’d also like to point out that if someone told you that you could only choose from A or B, you would. And afterwards, if a hidden agenda of a variable is found, I would say that it is in your best interest to rethink things. It’s not called flip flopping, it’s called intelligence.

  9. Sounds the Alarm says:

    I think this post is an unpardonable insult to chimps. If is was a chip being compared to duhbya, I’d sue.

    BTW PETA is a bunch of terrorist assholes. The PETA director makes duhbya look like “The Brain”.

  10. gquaglia says:

    “It’s not called flip flopping, it’s called intelligence.”


    I rest my case.

  11. meetsy says:

    what is your point? You’ll fight to the death for Bush? Go, go enlist. They NEED you.
    Now, consider that many, many life-long, historic Republicans like mine (my family landed here in 1640, and I can trace my political roots back that far) are dismayed at the turn the country has had. The party has been hijacked by some oddity that has nothing to do with the values that once were Republican. I may have voted for him once, but could not a second time….even if they ran Bozo the Clown as the opposition!
    I greatly fear the direction this country is headed. I fear for all the occupants, not just the ones who **claim** to be Republican….(and I’d guess that you used to be a Democrat…because you have that “only right think” mind set). I don’t like the way that people bristle and jump to defend the Prez from all imagined slights. Can’t you see that this man is a piss-poor person, and pathetic leader?
    Do the words “good job, Brownie” mean anything to you?
    Can you really say the new bankruptcy laws will help anyone? (And why aren’t corporate bankrupty laws also “strict”, they’ve become less restrictive.)
    Do you LIKE the devious things that banks, credit card companies, insurance companies, health care companies, your local phone service (hello? SBC/Verizon merge?), your local utilties, and…soon water companies…are doing?
    Do you think that the government should help corporations at all costs — including leaving the revolving door border open, union busting, and allowing outsourcing, and offshoring with NO TARRIFF’s? Are you proud that our GNP has fallen? Are you happy that the imports exceed exports by a LOT? Are you pleased that the Prez’s advisors are under suspicion of wrong doing? Did you LIKE that last choice for Supreme Court? Wasn’t she a beauty?
    I’m sorry, but this is BEYOND party lines….it’s about voicing concern and trying to send a message. But, if you haven’t noticed, this president doesn’t really seem to CARE about answering to people. He doesn’t listen. He repeats worn phrases and ducks questions. He avoids blame, and he doesn’t **do** criticism.
    I could go on….but I have to agree….INTELLIGENT people are starting to look around and say “what the HELL is going on here”….maybe you should, too.

  12. Ima Fish says:

    RT, I’m with you. Everyone else changes their minds all the time. They think they want something for lunch, but by the time they get to the restaurant, they choose something else. They might pick one major in college, find they like a different field, and change numerous times before obtaining a degree.

    The only people in the world who can never change their minds are politicians. It makes no sense. I’ll make it clear: Dogmatism should never be confused with intelligence.

    Would you want a doctor who never changed his mind? I.e., picked a diagnosis and stuck with it until you’re dead, despite all evidence to the contrary?! An automobile mechanic? A teacher? A lawyer? No. Of course not. We like people to be reasonable. To weigh evidence. To pick the correct course of action, not the first course of action.

    People say you shouldn’t change a horse midstream. Why the fuck not if the horse you’re on is clearly dead!

  13. Eideard says:

    Just to agree with Meetsy — most of my extended family are lifelong Republicans. In one fit of youthful insanity, I actually was a founding member of a Young Republicans chapter — which I resigned from within a few months [phew!].

    I have one close family member who just this year went to the county clerk’s office to have his registration changed from Republican to Independent. Just because of the embarrassment of this administration. After 50 years!

  14. gquaglia says:

    Such anger…My point was only that everything posted here ends up being a Bush bash and that everyone here seems to have a viscioral dislike of the man. Face it, he got elected, twice (and please no he stole the election crap, he won) More people indentify with Bush then they do the wacko ultra left that seems to run the Democratic party. (Kerry, Palossi, Schumer, Kennedy, Gore, Dean) Hilary Clinton sees the writting on the wall and is distancing herself from that ultra left and heading center. She may have a chance of winning. Face it, politics sucks on both sides of the fence, but Bush is certainly better then the alternative.

  15. ME says:

    They had a good discussion on bonobos on NPR’s SciFri podcast a few weeks ago. Seems they are as closely related to us as chimps, but are much more “human” culturally. Bonobos are not as violent as chimps and have a lot of sex.

  16. Improbus says:

    I agree with Eideard and Meetsy. I was a Republican my entire adult life and I voted for Bush the first time he ran. I am now an Independant and I voted for Kerry in the last election. I considered him the lesser of two evils. I don’t plan on voting for another Republican for president until I can vote for someone I can respect.

  17. Ima Fish says:

    gquaglia, you’re right. Certainly there are NO wacko ultra Rights. Like, someone from the Right who’d deprive a girl access to a vaccine that would eliminate any chance she’d get cervical cancer, merely because she might one day decide to have sex. Nope, no wacko ultras on the Right. Everyone one over there is completely middle of the road.

  18. gquaglia says:

    Ima Fish there are wackos on the extremes of both sides, right and left, neither is desirable. Most don’t consider Bush to be at the extremes

  19. Imafish says:

    “Most don’t consider Bush to be at the extremes”

    Most of his supporters don’t. The rest of the world does.

  20. Teyecoon says:

    Lol… Bush not extreme? Rush to war…uncontrolled spending….Religious extremist…extreme political nepotism. How many more extreme examples do you want?

    BTW, the fact that he got “most” of the votes doesn’t mean he represents the will of more than half of the people. He just got the majority of his “extremist” supporters to the polls to vote….like you.

    Even a blinded Bush devotee like yourself should see that he deserves some “bashing” so quit crying or stick to the RNC website.

  21. gquaglia says:

    Ima Fish, your not going to change my mind and I’m going to change yours, so lets leave it at that.

  22. Mel says:

    “Well, according to Fox news…”

    “Well, I heard on Air America…”

    “The New York Times says…”

    Who (Over the age of 30) is doing better than they were 6 years ago… 7 years ago? Price of gasoline, milk or bread, rent, Car or Health insurance, peace of mind? Lost a loved one in Iraq? or 9/11? Hurricane Katrina debacle? Lost your job? Blame Bush. Blame Osama. Blame Cheney. Blame Saddam??? Blame Wal Mart. Blame Microsoft.

    Blame yourself.

    Vote with your head not because some charismatic rabble rouser told you how. Everything they say is a lie. The only truth is how you keep your family safe. How you pay your bills. How you stay healthy. How?

  23. Milo says:

    #14 gquaglia:

    “My point was only that everything posted here ends up being a Bush bash and that everyone here seems to have a viscioral dislike of the man.”

    Everything posted would include your own posts and everyone would include yourself. So why fight what you agree with? Except you don’t… or is it that you do?

  24. meetsy says:

    Please, since you are the self appointed Bush supporter….(which sounds a bit naughty)….can you explain WHY an oil man who’s our fearless leader — who knows the ins-and-outs of corporate tomfoolery, wouldn’t be supportive of helping the more disadvantaged among us pay their heating bills this year. After all it’s been a WINDFALL PROFIT year for the oil companies… excuse after another, to raise prices. So, read this and explain your hero’s lack of input. Please?

    And, while you are at it…why is ONLY ONE government agency involved in the planning for the potential for bird flu, and why was it a big ruckus, but no real plan? I’ve read all I can find…and it really is a glossy brochure, but no real information. How does the Tamiflu get distributed, to whom? How do they restrict travel? Who makes the decision? What about mandatory masks and gloves (like in the great pandemic)? What about the CDC’s identified vector (children…each child can infect, on average, 3 adults), why don’t they want individuals to stockpile the drug (it’s off the market so all of it goes to the government) if there is no plan in place to DISTRIBUTE. What is the mechanism to distribution?
    This is just a few current items…of the things that are concerning me GREATLY……


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