
News reports flooded the nation after Thursday. The message was chilling, a strange smell had taken over New York City.

“The odor had followed Mr. Padilla and his friend along their walk in Lower Manhattan, from a dormitory on Fulton Street, to Pace University on Spruce Street, and back down again, to where they stood now, near a Dunkin’ Donuts. Maybe it was from there, he said. But it wasn’t.

Mr. Padilla was not alone. Reports of the syrupy cloud poured in from across Manhattan after 9 p.m. Some feared that it was something sinister.” – New York Times

The masses were lost in horror, fearing what the smell meant, but none had answers, only terrified questions!

“Smell is pervading the Greenwich Village / NYU area — both outdoors and in, I smelled it in my apt earlier and thought a neighbor was making french toast or something but it’s clearly something bigger. Maple syrup dirty bomb??? “ -gothamist

Was this cloud of fragrance of sinister or supernatural nature?! Was this scent a dirty bomb? Who was behind it? Aunt Jemima? Canada? No one knew then, and no one knows now. The mystery continues! Stay tuned for more terror!

  1. James says:

    Chicago has a chocolate factory near the Loop. Walking to work, one can often smell the chocolate cooking. It is indescribably good, reminding one of chocolate chip pancakes with hot syrup. Take that, New York!

  2. Shane B says:

    This sounds like plain old mass hysteria in the mold of the Mad Gasser of Matoon back in 1944. A decent summary can be found here at Wikipedia.

  3. Angel H. Wong says:

    I don’t want to gross out ppl but semen also has a sweet smell when it dries up either on a fabric or on paper towels. If that would have happened on SF I’m sure there wouldn’t be mass histeria 😉

  4. Obviousman says:

    With all the shit New Yorkers have been through, it wasn’t the Sweet Smell Of Success. Maybe it was the perfume the Bush admin. is pouring in mass quantities on their shitty policies. It is literally the smell of coverups!

  5. marc says:

    Hi. I’ve traveled through many states and I’ve got to say…I have seen many things and I’ve seen bodies hanging in closests that were’nt there before and even have an aunt that practices Wicca. I’ve seen a Uioja board play with nobody’s hand on the glass and “omens” in the clouds which signified bad “coincidences” . I have also seen a girl that appeared in my closet and disappear as she said hello. I have also heard my wife’s mother holler for her while we were in Arizona and her mother was in California. My dog has also “seen” this. On Mother’s day, when my wife’s grandmother died, my dog got startled and barked and sniffed a path toward the door. He started in a tote that was filled with pictures and after he calmed down, we showed him pictures to see what he was barking at and he started barking at the only picture of my wife’s grandmother’s picture only to clam down after we hid it. Whether or not this experience is real… I’ve believe it plausible. Like the Jersey Devil, possession, The Mothman, or some more of the unexplained….some of what you hear is real or an exaggeration of reality. I don’t know how to explain it but some people are more sensitive to stuff like this and some people aren’t. I guess I am one of those more sensitive to the “paranormal”. My wife also is semi-sensitive…only beliving those of which chrionically appear to her.


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