The indictments have been handed down. Here’s the official press release from the Office of the Special Counsel. Here’s the indictments.

These are .pdf’s from the Special Counsel’s web site.

Hopefully, folks in the DU Army prefer to be informed by the facts.

  1. Trevor says:

    Confirmation of what most of us already know. Just follows the “rules are for other people” of the Neo-Cons.

  2. Sounds the Alarm says:

    You go Scooter!!!

    You go….. to Jail.

    Next – Karl Von Rove.

  3. RTaylor says:

    I would remind readers that Libby isn’t a yahoo Bush/Cheney hauled to Washington. He has a JD from Columbia and has decades working in Government and the private sector, including RAND Corp. He knew the consequences.

  4. Gary Shaw says:

    I wonder if ol’ Scooter has been set up as the fall guy (a la Karpinski) to try to protect Cheney and Rove. Could a deal have been made?

  5. Trevor says:

    Just follows the “rules are for other people” of the Neo-Cons.

    Forgot that part.

  6. James Hill says:

    “That’s it?” was my first reaction.

    The Clinton deal didn’t get interesting until the “blue dress” was about to come to light. What’s the smoking gun in this case?

  7. andrew says:

    “In our system, each individual is presumed innocent and entitled to due process and a fair trial,” the president said.

    Unless of course ‘they’ decide that you don’t deserve these protections, in which case you can be held forever, tortured, abused…. and presumed guilty on the least of evidences.

  8. Kevin says:

    So the crime alleged to have been committed is:
    Libby tells a grand jury that he learned that Joe Wilson’s wife worked at the CIA from TIM RUSSERT; when in reality he learned that fact from SOMEONE ELSE.

    Wow, pure evil, that. A regular Joe Stalin, he is.

    Sheesh, I hope I never have to go before a grand jury.

  9. Awake says:

    Whatever… this will drag out for a looooong time, and in the end, all of those involved will receive presidential pardons before they do any time.

    There is one hope though; maybe this will finally kickstart the investigation into the WMD / Al-Quida reasons for war. Even if it was flawed intelligence, there should be severe penalties to pay for the misinformation, because it ultimately led to the disaster that is the Iraq war. We need to ask… no… demand.. that this fiasco be explained and those guilty of the huge mistake, that has cost upwards of 100,000 lives and has made the USA a world paraiah, be held liable for their actions or mistakes.

    But what a ridiculous concept… to hold those in power accountable for their decisions (golden parachute anyone?)

  10. Mel says:

    This is Bull !!!!!!


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