The disaster that time forgot. Here’s an exclusive report from Dale Huber from the disaster zone.

Gas is becoming the big story. There is plenty but no way to pump it without power.

Here is a story where Jeb Bush
, before the storm hit, urged people not to hoard gas because plenty was available.

And here is an article from yesterday about W’s visit and how we can’t pump the gas that Jeb said was plentiful..

In general the Sun-Sentinel has many good stories and pictures.

I wish you could see the comic from Chan Lowe on yesterday’s editorial page making fun of Jeb. Maybe I’ll scan it and send it to you. If not, it should be on line in a couple of days.

Of the pictures I am sending, one is a line at a gas station at 7am this morning. That was just half of the walk-ups. Cars were already parked down the street for a mile. The station wasn’t even pumping gas yet.

The others are just various damage done around town.

As I drove to work I noticed power must have been restored to the street lights on Florida’s Turnpike in Broward County. But why when over 800k still don’t have power are we running street lights in the daytime. I’m sure it’s just a timer that needs adjusting. — DH

  1. Ima Fish says:

    Why are people so unprepared? I live in a state where we never get hurricanes, yet I always keep about 15 gallons (1 week of gas) on hand. I don’t run a business but I have a 5000 watt generator. How could a gas station NOT have a backup generator in Florida?! How many hurricanes have to hit that state before people realize they’re at risk?!

  2. David Lee says:

    What’s the everlovin’ difference between “hoarding” (bad) and “Stockpiling” (good)? When you do it is it hoarding, when I do it is it stockpiling?

  3. Ivor Biggun says:

    Mr. Fish is right. Stockpiling is when you keep it on hand all the time. Hoarding is when you go out during a crisis and amass all you can selfishly. Gouging is when you take what you hoard and sell it for unusually high profits.

  4. Jamie says:

    >But why when over 800k still don’t have power are we running street lights in the daytime

    Turning street lights off won’t fix downed power lines elsewhere.

  5. It Should be Law that every Gas station have back-up generator to pump gas.
    Never keep to much gas on hand. especially inside.
    Gas needs to be recycled after a few months. it goes bad!

    Geese I just don’t get it. techology is growing so fast. We have all kinds if gadgets but nothing to bail us out in a storm.

    first off,
    Our Country needs to invest in Hdro-fuel and Solor power. We are like junkies on crude.

    Every Street light can operate on solor and battery back-up.
    hey and for he damged streets light Located at major intersection place a portable traffic light on the corner.

    All it consists of is 12 colored lights len covers, Litium battery, Timer,
    a housing a tripod stand and some sand bags to hold it into place
    Probably costs under $30. to build.

    Replacing a traffic cop with a portable light would pay for itself in less than a day.

  6. Dave M. says:

    Jeb Bush was complaining that the people of Florida didn’t “stock up” on the necessities before the storm hit. They had pleanty of warning.

    Sure, the folks had 3-4 days warning and knew roughly what part of Florida was going to be hit.

    So let’s see… How many millions of people were affected? Can you imagine the rush on the grocery stores for canned food and water? I’m sure the stores would have been able to keep up on demand.

    It really doesn’t seem to matter which Bush you talk about, they are all a bunch of losers!

  7. Charlie Beek says:

    In every storm there are more people who experiance no damage than those that do. Most think they’ll be one of the lucky ones, so they don’t prepare.

  8. Its hard to prepare when the people you depend on aren’t thier for you.
    As a nation, we pay and donate lots of money so every american will enjoy the comforts we have.
    My undersstanding is
    The private business like supermarkets did a fantastic job.
    You can stock up only so much gas, water, food, ice.
    But when your roof is blown off and you need cold insulin or gas stations can’t pump gas your F–ded Forget about the people with special needs.
    disabled people, House bound and Seniors.
    Also the residents where told to prepare for only 3 days.
    FPL claims it may not be until nov 22 until every customer has electric back on.
    They where very luck the weather was cool the past week.


    Why were the effects of the first 48 hours after Wilma struck the west coast off Florida kept off the national news?


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