I ate WHAT?????

I wouldn’t even blog this, but for the last sentence quoted here:

A Dallas man will likely be sentenced today, one day after a jury convicted him of sprinkling feces on pastries at a grocery store.

Prosecutors charged 49-year-old Behrouz Nahidmobarekeh with two felony counts of tampering with consumer products.

Customers had complained the fresh-baked items smelled and tasted like manure.

How did they know it tasted like manure? :-)

  1. Ima Fish says:

    “How did they know it tasted like manure?”

    It is Texas.

  2. RTaylor says:

    This is the reason I don’t buy self-serve products from grocer. If you do make sure you get your hepatitis vaccinations.

  3. meetsy says:

    It’s JUST like how you tell an oral v.s. rectal thermometer…
    …by the taste!

  4. Dude says:

    This individual needs to be sentanced to some serious jail time. He essentially attemped to poison the public.

  5. Allen says:

    Had a friend in college who tasted her own feces. She said it tasted bitter.

  6. Lou says:

    For what it’s worth, most people confuse taste and smell. Taste is done on the tongue and divides the eating experience into bitter/salty/sweet/etc… no real nuances.

    Smell is done in the back of the throat/nose/etc. and is finely tuned to exact chemicals.

    Thus, when you smell a cinamon bun and put it in your mouth and “taste” it, you are really re-smelling it up close (at least for the cinamon “taste”).

    Boringly scientific…


  7. Richard Mahler says:

    Most people are offended by anyone who smells their food before putting it in their mouth, especially if they haven’t had it before and don’t know the particulars of its source. They are probably the smart ones with well-educated senses, not just suspicious and untrusting persons. Some people just know from the smell that a food item is not going to suit their personal taste.

    If it smells like manure, don’t put it in your mouth: it might be manure!

  8. Miguel Lopes says:

    There was an old, racist joke, here in Portugal. I’ll censor the less PC details.

    A guy walks down the street and sees what looks like a turd. He looks at it, examining it and says ‘hmmm, looks like shit’, then he takes a bit of it with his finger and smells it, and says ‘hmmm, smells like shit’. Then he tastes it!!! And says ‘hmmm, tastes like shit. GOOD THING I DIDN’T STEP ON IT!


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