The White House is not amused by The Onion, a newspaper that often spoofs the Bush administration, and has asked it to stop using the presidential seal on its Web site.

The seal was still on the Web site on Tuesday at the spot where President George W. Bush’s weekly radio address is parodied.

With headlines like “Bush To Appoint Someone To Be In Charge Of Country” and “Bush Subconsciously Sizes Up Spain For Invasion,” The Onion is popular with readers looking for a little laughter with their politics.

Scott Dikkers, editor-in-chief of the satirical newspaper, said its lawyer disagrees with the White House assessment.

“I’ve been seeing the presidential seal used in comedy programs most of my life and to my knowledge none of them have been asked not to use it by the White House,” Dikkers said.

“I would advise them to look for that other guy Osama (bin Laden) … rather than comedians. I don’t think we pose much of a threat,” Dikkers said.

Some folks are easily “threatened”.

  1. Ima Fish says:

    The funny thing is that while the Onion is hard on Bush, it was equally hard on Clinton. That’s what makes the Onion so funny, it’s an equal opportunity trasher. You never feel like you’re being preached too.

  2. Edward Marchand says:

    I tried to go to the Onions website and it appears to be down or being blocked. How strange.

  3. James Hill says:

    Good lord. I guess they need something to bitch about instead of actual issues.

  4. John Schumann says:

    At this point, it would be best for the White House to not draw attention to itself, especially attention from the nation’s finest news source.

  5. Ima Fish says:

    Edward Marchand, the Onion is always slow when a new issue comes out.

  6. Mike Borginis says:

    Bush is probably worried that Jim Anchower stands a good chance of winning in ’08

  7. twdldee says:

    Isn’t government stuff supposed to be in the public domain?

  8. Dj.Short says:

    OK… Now we’re sure thats not actually Bush Himself… because it does sound like stuff he would say…


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