Xbox maker acknowledges consoles interfering with Wal-Mart’s internal management systems; says fix is in the works.

Gamers looking to be among the first to get their hands on an Xbox 360 controller at Wal-Mart demo kiosks can still do it, but they won’t actually be controlling anything.

Xbox 360 kiosks placed in Wal-Mart stores across the country have been shut off, said a Microsoft spokesperson contacted this afternoon. The reason, according to Microsoft, is due to the console causing interference with Wal-Mart’s wireless “hand scanner” inventory system. Microsoft has acknowledged the problem as being “minor” and says a software solution is in the works to correct it.

GameSpot became aware of the problem after one of its editors entered a Wal-Mart store and discovered the Xbox 360 kiosk had been shut off. The Wal-Mart rep confirmed that the console had been causing problems with the store’s scanners.

Wal-Mart headquarters in Bentonville, Arkansas, instructed all stores to shut down the 360 kiosks.

According to Microsoft, the kiosk program, which was initiated nationwide over the past week, “encountered some minor wireless interference issues that are specific to some retail environments.”

Since the advent of 2.4GHz signals–like those commonly found in next-generation consumer electronics such as cordless phones, wireless routers, and, now, the Xbox 360–some retailers have discovered that their network-based inventory management systems can be impacted by products using modern wireless signals, according to the spokesperson.

I can just see some dude playing with his new Xbox — and jamming his next-door neighbor’s wi-fi network. Phew!

  1. kzoodata says:

    That is freekin’ hilarious. Now, imagine WalMart had started putting RFID tags on the motorized carts provided for the mobility challenged. And someone fires up “Street Racer 9” on the Xbox 360…. Car Wars,. ala WalMart! Hey, I bet this one gets on either Letterman or Leno!

    Minor problem, indeed. Perhaps minor from a technical standpoint, but if it interferes with the inventory management systems of the worlds biggest retailer, wouldn’t you label this as something other than “minor”? Aye, chihuahua! Their own more-or-less propriatery system and they still have to patch it up before it hits the shelves.

  2. Pat says:

    Maybe that explains why so many Wal-Mart executives wear tin foil hats.

  3. Imafish says:

    I have to wonder if this is really just a way for Microsoft to get the word out that Wal-Mart has the Xbox 360, without spending a dime in advertising.

  4. Jon says:

    Dear old Microsoft; just imaging what will it do to your home. No phone calls during the X-Box session. (Well, that might be a good thing though:)

  5. Michael says:

    I just played the XBox kiosk at Walmart last night. What kind of rubbish is this?

  6. greg says:

    they are f*****g there self


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