
If you work in America for a wage, bend over and grab your socks, because the government (Yes that is all of them, Republicans and Democrats alike) are getting ready to give you another massive hosing….
There are more people in India with bachelors degrees that speak English then there are people in the U.S. That is why Republicans show no real desire to support public education because at any level you can import labor already educated and trained for a cheaper cost. The combination of outsourcing and insourcing causes the very real suppression of wages, benefits and loss of jobs to Americans workers who are becoming increasingly dissatisfied with government policies.

A) Is this just a numbers game?
B) How exactly does this become an excuse to make Americans dumber than they already are?
C) It’s all about cheap labor. None of these politicians actually cares about the American public or the public good. Why are they in office?

  1. Ima Fish says:

    “Why are they in office?” Come on John, it’s pretty apparent that neither party really gives a rat’s ass about the common working person.

    Here’s an editorial I found explaining the whole thing.

  2. bill says:

    They’re in office because they get rich and love the game. They may start out wanting to help people but end up just wanting to get rich/stay in office. Seriously what job is there after you’re the president or the speaker of the house?

  3. Sounds the Alarm says:

    They’re in office because of 1) My brother-in-law. 2) Fundamentalists. 3) because most liberals and middle of the road types like me usually don’t vote.

    1) My brother-in-law is the dumbest human ever to work as a Janitor in a public school system. He constantly complains about outsourcing, blacks (yes he’s a racist) and woman (ditto sexist) and how they are in a dark cabal to keep him from getting a promotion from Janitor one to Janitor two. Of course his bosses are just suppose to wave their collective magic wands and make him a prince. He shouldn’t actually apply for one of these higher jobs.

    He is typical of the “no taxes” morons that want everything and think it can be paid for by good wishes. Bush gave him (once) $600 in 2001 and he’s been a slavering supporter ever since. Of course someone 3 times as rich got 5 times more and and for Bush’s entire term, but hey when he’s gets bought, he stays bought. Unfortunately he votes.

    2) The religious fundamentalists. They all think that Bush will return the country to its fundamentalist Baptist roots, like they think it was in the good old days of slavery, submissive females and poor people starving on the streets. Of course the country has no fundamentalist roots, but this simple fact doesn’t trouble their simple minds.

    Also everyone of them is afraid that they’ll get FAG virus if those liberals get into power and let FAGs marry. Your average fundamentalist thinks that FAG virus will magically make straight people gay, “If you let ’em marry”. However, and unfortunately they vote.

    3) Most people that actually know better don’t vote. They have all types of excuses, but the reality is that they’re lazy. Bitching while typing on a BLOG while avoiding work (like I’m doing) is fine. Standing in line to vote takes they away from typing their displeasure and sitting on their asses.

    It finally took a man as loathsome as dipstick dubya to get my sorry fat ass in the voting booth and involved in local politics. Its time that those who believe that “liberal” means exactly what it says in the dictionary (someone open minded; open to new ideas and to change) get off our collective lazy, sanctimonious asses and start voting.

  4. MikA says:

    Replying to Bill
    There used to be a role in the UK called village idiot

  5. T.C. Moore says:

    Dude, you are going off the deep end.
    The whole article is a bunch of moaning, including your blog post. At least the author offers some solutions at the end. But “Real Solutions” 1 – 4 are based on competely false premises. And 5-6 are being worked through in the US right now. What about McCain’s Immigration bill?

    It’s not that politicians don’t care. It’s that the trend of globalization is too overwhelming to stop, without lots of other negative consequences.
    Most also believe the benefits outweigh the costs.

    What’s your solution, geniuses?

    Real Solutions 1 – 6 ….. These are the real solutions. Will they happen? Probably not until workers around the world realize they are all being exploited

    This is how the left thinks everyone who doesn’t agree with them is either a moron or evil. Workers in third world countries are not stupid. They wouldn’t be working if they were not benefitting, or if they had a better option. If every factory in the world paid US wages, had OSHA inspections and ergonomic studies, then they wouldn’t have any jobs. It’s called comparative advantage.

    Maybe the world is just too complicated for you all to understand.
    And its easier to just bitch than learn why the world is the way it is.

    That’s not a defense of the way it is, but you have understand reality and the forces at play before you can reasonably expect to change it.

  6. Imafish says:

    “What’s your solution, geniuses?”

    When we were the world’s largest exporter, free trade made sense. Now that we’re the largest importer, and have no exports to speak of, free trade is killing us. Thus the answer is tariffs. If you want to build something somewhere else and sell it here, you’re going to have to pay.

    Of course the large multinational corporations that actually control the world would never allow this. But it’s the only thing that could possibly save our country. So we’re toast.

  7. Hal Jordan says:

    Maybe the aspirations of many are decided through elections, you elect a hootin’ tootin’ sonnuvagun for a pres, you haveta accept all the hootin’ tootin’ shenanigans down the line.

  8. John Wofford says:

    I still think we’ve become simply too damned large to be governed from a central location (Washington). There is simply no way the folks in D. C. can be effectively responsive to the vast diversity of issues that affect Americans everywhere.
    My idea: Return the power to the states. Do away with the federal income tax, and all the federal regulatory agencies. Allow the Governors to elect the President, and sharply curtail his power. The states should replace the Federal government in the areas of taxation, infrastructure and services to citizens. The Legislative branch? Let’em get real jobs; we can retain our representational form of government at the state level.
    And quit trying to be the world’s biggest busybody, and let the rest of the world work out their own destiny.

  9. Kevin says:

    The only poster here who is not a moron is T.C. Moore (uh, and me, now).

    What a damn shame the people of India are actually rising out of the disease-riddled, dirt-eating muck of poverty. Boo-hoo, strange how that makes you guys so upset.

    Actually, it makes us all better off too. Simple case of free trade boosting economic productivity, which frees up resources to satisfy still more needs and desires. I could explain it, but comparitive advantage has been understood for 200 years, and you losers sat vacant-eyed in your Econ 101 classes unable to comprehend this already (Smith, Ricardo, sounds like a baseball team, no?) If you were alive 200 years ago you woulda been crying at the prospect that not everyone could continue to be employed as a s–t eating wooden-toothed pig farmer forever.

    Imafish, what *I* gain from free trade is quality products at a lower price, or products not otherwise available (coffee). Screw your tariffs: they take money out of your own pocket so that the gov’t can spend it unproductively according to political bribes on a bridge to Nowhere Island, AK. What genius. What the 300 million of us gain from free trade is a more productive means of producing what we need, so that we can afford more.

    That, shockingly enough, is why despite all your handwringing, we whitey Americans are a hell of a lot richer than we were just when I was a kid, and why that will continue. That indeed is why Dvorak can make a mint babbling about freakin’ computers instead of scratching out a backbreaking existence shoveling horse crap until he dies young of an infected boil.

    As for the Indians and the Chinese: you cannot make a billion new producers without at the same time making 2 or 3 billion new CONSUMERS. Duh, wake up! Me, I’m taking that to the bank.

  10. Thomas McGrew says:

    Politicians don’t care about working people. As long as they get a little green in their pocket it doesn’t matter. Why else would minimum wage still be $5.15 an hour? This will not change until we have political reform, which will not happen until we have political reform. Why change a system that’s making you rich? God forbid the christian fundamentalists who run this country actually do something for someone else besides themselves.

    I’ve lived here my entire life, but I’m so disgusted with this country, that I’m planning on leaving it after I guaduate from college. Nothing will ever change here. Perhaps it’s no better elsewhere, but I aim to find out.

  11. Bennie Walton says:

    Actually, you are all somewhat pathetic. America for a long time has been sold out to national and multinational corporations. Our national debt is largely what we owe to other countries. Check your treasury department and see for yourselves who we owe money. It is in the hundreds of billions of dollars. The politicians especially the neo-cons aren’t interested in “WE THE PEOPLE” they are interested in making it better for the poor corporations that had to help keep the air clean, those poor corporations that just want to make a descent profit and at the same time ruin the environment. Those poor corporations who really do not want to pay a descent wage or salary because it takes away too much from the personal profits that they can pocket.

    Politicians for the most part are cowards they only go into action when something politically bad has come to the notice of the public, and the public temporarily gets pissed off. As for the presidency and congress that now exists they are, and have been do nothing, see nothing. “WE THE PEOPLE” keep in political office the same jerks that do nothing for “WE THE PEOPLE”. Always in denial, we say “not my congress person”. Americans sway with the winds no matter which way the wind blows, we are quite bendable. In fact, we are too flexible, so flexible that we will never rise in anarchy against the selling out of America. For all who think their congress person or the congress as a whole is doing a good job, let denial reign as supreme in twisted mindsets.


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