iPOD Shuffle Lanyard/Cross — People are wondering if this is a hoax. For $12.95 you can get this cross-top for your iPOD Shuffle. Sheer genius. But, I can you you this. From what I can tell they would sell a lot more of these if it was an Ankh rather than a cross.

found by David Prager

  1. Joe says:

    I’m not a religious person, but I must admit, that’s pretty g$^*%*mned brilliant. 🙂


  2. kzoodata says:

    I don’t know about the ankh – somehow it just doesn’t seem as clever. I suppose it depends upon which coast you’re on. Nevertheless, I suspect we’ll see one soon.

  3. ~ says:

    Ah it’s the perfect synergy of pop culture and the all-mighty. 😉

    I have to say, if it’s a hoax, it’s a damn good one. Creativity and entrepreneurial spirit is clearly alive and well.

  4. Mickey says:

    Didn’t Bill Maher do this joke a couple weeks ago? It was called “iGod”.

  5. derek says:

    not a hoax….


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