Projected map of Mexico in 2080. Click on map to enlarge.

This map was found on the website of Minnesotans For Sustainability as though this was a done deal. Note in the essay cited below that Minnesota now has one of the new Mexican Consulates — just opened. This was the apparent doing of Republican US Senator Norm Coleman from Minnesota. I wonder if he approved of the map too. Minnesota, after all, doesn’t get sold out to Mexico.

Meanwhile read this interesting essay titled Churches Criminally ‘Aid and Abet’ Illegal Aliens. Did you know that Mexico opened its 46 Consulate? These appear to be established only to dole out ID’s for illegals who managed to get into the country. The last one seems to be the one in Minnesota which creates an interesting flanking manoeuvre.

Read this essay, it summarizes things perfectly. There is also an amazing number of links at the end of this piece.

6. By Using Roving Mexican Consulates To Undermine Our Laws. Their consulates travel around America issuing matricula consular or Mexican ID cards to illegal aliens.(19)(20) Shamefully, the roving consulates are frequently provided taxpayer funded public buildings in which to do their ‘dirty’ work! Disgracefully, they are often provided government officials who instruct illegal aliens on how to take advantage of our country’s ‘public benefits,’ and federal welfare and tax systems.(21) Everyone is aware that only the ‘migrant army’ of illegal aliens needs those Mexican issued IDs because those that are here legally have official U.S. documents validating their presence.

The Mexican illegal aliens take those ID cards and use them to access to our banks, obtain drivers licenses, mortgages, credit cards and other rights and privileges, that are usually reserved for American citizens. “The matricula’s growing acceptance by U.S. businesses is both a measure of how entrenched illegal immigrants are becoming in American society and of how eagerly the marketplace is courting them.”(22) Permission to accept the Mexican ID was granted by the Treasury Dept. over the objections of the FBI and the Justice Dept.

related link:

  1. Ben says:

    Ha! this way we can get hit with more hurricanes!

  2. Stacia says:

    We Minnesotans can only wish that California would be sucked up by Mexico.

    If it has anything to do with Norm Coleman, I call BS. Still, I don’t think it does–looks like some paranoid Norweigans and Swedes to me.

  3. Frank IBC says:

    It wouldn’t just be “contentious” just for Americans. While the USA would lose about 1/4 of its land, Mexico as it is now would cease to exist – it would be broken up into three new nations, including the “Mayan Republic” – a goal of the Zapatista rebels.

  4. Frank IBC says:

    And I’m not sure Guatemala or Belize would be too thrilled with the proposal either. And it looks like portions of Honduras and El Salvador are included in the “Mayan Republic” too.

  5. Frank IBC says:

    I also note that “Republica del Norte” does NOT include all the areas of the USA that were part of Mexico prior to 1847(or 1836) – specifically all of Nevada, Utah, Colorado, and parts of Wyoming, Kansas and Oklahoma.

    OK that’s three in a row, I better stop.

  6. GregAllen says:

    This reminds me of the similar “Ecotopia” floating around a few years ago.

    The proposals for Ecotopia I liked best include Alaska and B.C. , too

  7. NumLock says:

    Them and what army?

  8. T.C. Moore says:

    Hey John, did you draw that line across California, in a bid to further your 3 California states plan?

    I bet you’re in cahoots with these people.

    Cahoots, dagnabit!


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