– BabyCage Submission of the Week — Without comment.

Found by David Feldman

  1. Jim Dermitt says:

    I saw that last week. Once you cage the toddlers up, you can use home automation to keep an eye on things. Great for working moms!
    In the future you won’t need a babysitter, just a webcam, gesture software and a PC. Robotic pets don’t need cages. Military spending is way up this year, common sense is way down.

  2. AD Peguero says:

    Looks like the Gerber Baby 🙂

  3. Lock em up baby new from Hasbro
    comes complete with RDIF tags

    Wow, Geessse. A real childrens jail.
    No more go to your room without dinner.

  4. I’m speechless…

  5. Ima Fish says:

    Can someone explain to me the difference between keeping a baby in a cage versus a crib?! I know a cage sounds worse, but why? It’s not like a kid can get out of a crib.

  6. Alan Cole says:

    Err, folks – this looks like a “spoof” site – if you go through it and read the comments

    At least, I HOPE so! God (or someone) help us if it ain’t!


  7. meetsy says:

    I don’t see a difference between the crib a “playpen” and a cage. Maybe it just needs to be re-named to a child corral…? Baby kennel? Security box…
    Some of the worst injuries I’ve ever heard of in playpens…were from older sibs “dropping” toys onto the infant….like those large Tonka cement trucks…. with a caged top, it would be safer!! Plus, kids like enclosed areas (like tents, and under tables, and boxes)…so this gives them that extra sense of security.
    I like the idea.
    And, the only people who think caging an infant or toddler….is awful, evidently DO NOT HAVE KIDS.

  8. T.C. Moore says:

    Can we send these to Zimbabwe?

  9. Imafish says:

    Well, john, since your site is basically a porn site anyway….

  10. Angel H. wong says:

    Now this is what I call birth control!

  11. Pat says:

    It’s a little late for me. Why, oh why, couldn’t I have come up with this idea a few years ago. When is the IPO? I want in on the action.

  12. Edwin Rodriguez says:

    What felony did the child commit?
    I’m against using physical pain to modify
    a child’s behavior. A child should be put behind bars (these
    bars look like metal. The cage should be made of
    soft foam so the child will not get hurt), if they
    are screaming to get their way, kicking,
    hitting, throwing objects (things that would put
    an adult in jail.) Although they should be removed as
    soon as positive behavior is exhibited. C’mon this
    baby is smiling. This child is now doing too much “time”.


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